Pengaruh Olahraga Ringan (Workout) Pada Kebugaran Tubuh Terhadap Kalangan Remaja Selama Masa Pandemi.
The Effect of Light Exercise (Workout) on Body Fitness Among Adolescents During the Pandemic Periode.
Workout merupakan kegiatan olahraga ringan yang dapat dilakukan di tempat mana saja secara individual serta dapat meningkatkan kebugaran tubuh. Kegiatan ini berperan penting pada saat masa pandemi berlangsung. Sehingga dapat mengurangi penyebaran virus corona. Penelitian ini diambil berdasarkan pengambilan data perhitungan denyut nadi dari 6 sampel dengan kategori remaja di sekitar rumah peneliti dan dilakukan di Gelora A. Yani Kota Mojokerto. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode eksperimen karena dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pengaruh olahraga ringan (workout) pada kebugaran tubuh terhadap kalangan remaja selama pandemi dan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu analisis kebutuhan dan respon mendapatkan skor 89% (sangat membutuhkan) dan 64% (baik), analisis validitas yang dilakukan oleh dua orang validator yaitu Bapak Dr. Achmad Widodo, M.Kes. dan Dr. Soni Sulistyarto, S.Pd., M.Kes, mendapatkan skor 80% (valid). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berdistribusi normal karena pada data pre-test p (0,331) > 0,05 dan data post-test p (0,233) > 0,05 (berdistribusi normal). Selain itu, hasil analisis pengaruh olahraga ringan terhadap kalangan remaja selama pandemi dilakukan dengan melalui perhitungan Uji-T diperoleh hasil t = 3,8 dan db = 4 di mana peneliti terlebih dahulu melihat Ttabel dengan signifikasi 5% atau 0,05. Melalui Ttabel hasil dari nilai db 4, maka diketahui nilai to sebesar 2,131 dan menunjukkan nilai t lebih besar dari to (3,8 > 2,231) hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak, karena Ha diterima apabila t > to. Diterimanya Ha artinya, olahraga ringan (workout) memberi pengaruh positif terhadap kebugaran tubuh.
Kata Kunci: workout, remaja, kebugaran tubuh.
Workout is a mild exercise that can be done anywhere individually and can improve body fitness. This activity plays an important role during the pandemic period. So that it can reduce the spread of the corona virus. This research was taken based on the data collection of the pulse rate from 6 samples with the category of adolescents around the researchers' house and was carried out in Gelora A. Yani, Mojokerto City. The method used in this research is the experimental method because in this study the aim of this study is to reveal the effect of light exercise (workout) on body fitness on adolescents during the pandemic and this research is a quantitative study. The results of this study are analysis of needs and responses to get a score of 89% (really need) and 64% (good), the validity analysis was carried out by two validators, namely Dr. Achmad Widodo, M.Kes. and Dr. Soni Sulistyarto, S.Pd., M.Kes, got a score of 80% (valid). The data used in this study were normally distributed because the pre-test data p (0.331)> 0.05 and the post-test data p (0.233)> 0.05 (normally distributed). In addition, the results of the analysis of the effect of moderate exercise on adolescents during the pandemic were carried out by means of the T-test calculation, the results obtained were t = 3.8 and db = 4 where the researcher first looked at the T table with a significance of 5% or 0.05. Through Ttable, the result of the db value is 4, it is known that the value of to is 2.131 and shows that the t value is greater than to (3.8> 2.231), this indicates that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, because Ha is accepted if t> to. The acceptance of Ha means that light exercise (workout) has a positive effect on body fitness. Keywords: workout, adolescence, body fitness.
Keywords: workout, adolescence, body fitness.