Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Budaya Program Pascasajana Universitas Negeri Surabaya
E-mail: Inasaid R@gmail.com
ABSTRAK: Remo Putri Tawi merupakan tarian khas ciptaan seniman ludruk bernama Tawi memiliki nilai religius juga karakteristik yang beda dari Remo Putri yang lain gerak Exotic, Eseman lembehan serta sikap kemayu juga kenes.Nilai religius pada Remo Putri Tawi terdapat dalam ritual khusus yang diadakan Tawi sebelum melakukan pertunjukan menarikan tari Remo Putri Tawi. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif, prosedur pengumpulan data natural menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa dampak nilai religius Remo Putri Gaya Tawi sebagai seniman ludruk akan berpengaruh terhadap interaksi sosialnya dengan sikap dan perilaku serta akidah agama serta lingkungan masyarakat. Pengaruh positif meningkatkan rasa percaya diri waktu pementasan dalam masyarakat sebagai interaksi alat komunikasi. Potensi yang dimiliki oleh siswa sebagai penari Remo Putri Gaya Tawi diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu unggulan dalam bidang kesenian khususnya seni tari bagi sekolah dalam prestasi non akademik.
Kata- kata Kunci: Dampak, nilai Religius, Remo Putri Gaya Tawi
The Impact Of Dancer Woment Tawi Style Religious Values a Ludruc Artist For Students In Social Interaction At Scholl
Cultural Arts Education Study prowgrame post graduate public University Surabaya
Abstact: Dance woment Tawi is a dance created by the ludruk artist named tawi have different religius values as well as characteristics from remo daughter which is another exotic movement, smile, still valley and the attitude of the witch is also bad. Religius values in dance Woment Tawi are found in special ritual held by Tawi before performing the show, dancing remo putri tawi dance. This study uses qualitative descriptive.Natural data collection using interview and documentation, observation technigues. The results of the study conclude that the the impact of the religious of dance woment style Tawi. As ludruk artiststs will influence their social interaction with attitude and behavior and religious and environmental beliefs the community. Positive influences increase self- confidence during staging in community as an interaction of communication tools.The potential possessed by student as dance woment style tawi dancers is expected to be one of the highlight in the art.
Key words: impact, religius value, princess style dance Tawi
Dance woment tawi is one of the tradisional forms of art created by ludruk Tawi artists in jombng city east java dance Tawi today. Dance woment Tawi today has existed and developed in its era. Dance woment in the era now has a lot experiencing exploration can be seen from accompaniment music have experienced exploration mixed with music from junior high school students one of the dancers is often performaned through dance performances. Dance woment Tawi by performing the rionetual first also prayers that are usually done by Tawi before performimg in front of the audience. Religious values are a special ritual process performed by dancers who follow special players as supporting performances, ritual are believed to be able to make are believed to be able to make a difference when the dancers feel it the audience becomes very crowded and very enthusiastic differently than the unusual.Junior highschool students are included in the mass of early teenagers who start learning to find his true indentity. The interaction process carried out is more coplex because in the period of adaptation become independent individuals social interaction is the key to all life, forms of socialinteraction are differentiated into collaboration,competition, accommodation and conflict or disputes. This study aims to reveal the impact of dance woment style religious values as a ludruk artist for students in social.