Pembelajaran IPA Model POE Untuk Melatihkan HOTS Siswa SD
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Model POE (Predict, Observe, Explain) untuk melatihkan HOTS Siswa Kelas IV SD. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian menggunakan Pretest-Posttest Control Groub Design. Dalam penelitian ini kelas control dan kelas eksperimen mendapat Pretest-Postest, nemun hanya kelas eksperimen saja yang mendapat perlakuan (statement) dengan model pembelajaran POE. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SD Kreatif Insan Rabbani dan SD TPI Gedangan Sidoarjo. Hasil validasi yang diamati oleh validator ada empat aspek yang di teliti yakni aspek kesesuaian dengan model POE terdapat 5 pertanyaan dan hasilnya 88,5% dapat dikatakan sangat layak, aspek isi hanya 4 pertanyaan dengan hasil 89,3% dikatakan sangat layak, aspek Bahasa ditanyakan dalam 5 pertanyaan yang menghasilkan 86,5% dapat dikategorikan sangat baik, dan aspek format melalui 5 indikator pertanyaan yang menunjukkan 86,5% dengan menyatakan sangat layak. Aspek validasi secara keseluruhan pembelajaran IPA model POE untuk melatih Hots Siswa mendapat skor 87,8% dengan kategori sangat layak.Media Pembelajaran IPA Model POE (Predict Observe Explain) untuk melatih soal HOTS Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah dasar berdasarkan hasil validasi oleh ahli media sebesar 87,8% sehingga dapat dinyatakan sangat layak media pembelajaran IPA model POE sangat layak digunakan dalam melatih soal HOTS Siswa SD kelas IV.
This study aims to determine the results of using POE (Predict, Observe, Explain) Model Learning Media to train HOTS Grade IV SD students. This research is an experimental research with a research design using Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. In this study the control class and the experimental class received the Pretest-Postest, but only the experimental class received treatment (statements) with the POE learning model. This research was conducted at Insan Rabbani Creative Elementary School and TPI Gedangan Sidoarjo Elementary School. The results of the validation observed by the validator were four aspects that were examined, namely the aspect of conformity with the POE model, there were 5 questions and the results were 88.5% which could be said to be very feasible, the content aspect was only 4 questions with a result of 89.3% which was said to be very feasible, the language aspect was asked in the 5 questions that produce 86.5% can be categorized as very good, and the format aspect through 5 question indicators which shows 86.5% by stating very feasible. The overall validation aspect of science learning is the POE model for training HOTS students with a score of 87.8% with a very decent category. POE Model Science Learning Media (Predict Observe Explain) for training HOTS questions for Class IV Elementary School students based on the results of validation by media experts of 87 .8% so that it can be stated that it is very feasible that the POE model of Science learning media is very suitable for use in training HOTS questions for Grade IV Elementary School Students.