Wire and tube heat exchanger jenis single staggered adalah penukar panas yang terdiri atas pipa yang dibuat berlekuk-lekuk (tube) dan kawat (wire) yang dipasang lekat pada kedua sisinya secara berseling tunggal. Kapasitas heat exchanger adalah kemampuan heat exchanger dalam membuang panas. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kapasitas heat exchanger adalah geometri kawat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jarak antar kawat atau pitch wire (pw) dengan variasi 7, 9, dan 11 mm terhadap kapasitas wire and tube serta untuk mengetahui kontur suhu wire and tube dan kecepatan aliran udara pada permukaan wire and tube. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan simulasi CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) menggunakan software ANSYS Workbench 16.0 dan divalidasi secara eksperimen dengan mengukur suhu wire and tube. Tahap simulasi adalah pre-processing, yaitu pembuatan geometri dan mesh. Tahap processing, yaitu penentuan model viskos turbulensi dan penentuan kondisi batas. Tahap post-processing yaitu plot kontur suhu dan aliran fluida. Dari penelitian didapat nilai kapasitas pada pw 7 mm dengan nilai 72,08 watt di inlet 80 °C; 61,27 watt di inlet 60 °C; dan 19,52 watt di inlet 40 °C. Pada pw 9 mm sebesar 64,89 watt di inlet 80 °C; 57,45 watt di inlet 60 °C; dan 17,32 watt di inlet 40 °C. Pada pw 11 mm sebesar 59,4 watt di inlet 80 °C; 53,46 watt di inlet 60 °C; dan 16,06 watt di inlet 40°C. Dari hasil tersebut menunjukkan semakin kecil pw akan meningkatkan nilai kapasitas. Sementara itu, udara di permukaan wire and tube mengalir secara konveksi bebas dari bagian bawah ke atas wire and tube akibat penurunan suhu dari atas kebawah wire and tube.
Kata kunci : Kapasitas Wire and Tube, Jarak Antar Kawat, ANSYS Fluent, CFD.
Single staggered wire and tube heat exchanger is equipment consist of concentric tube, and wires weld single staggerly on two side. Wire and tube capacity is ability of the wire and tube release heat to ambient air. One of factors that influence the capacity of the wire and tube is the geometry of wires. Aim of this study determine the effect of pitch wire (pw) with three variations (7, mm, 9 mm, 11 mm) on capacity of wire and tube and to simulate contour of the wire and tube temepratures and air streamline at surface surrounding of this variations. This research method uses a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) simulation using ANSYS Workbench 16.0 software and this research is validated experimentally by measuring wire and tube temperature. Simulation steps are pre-processing, processing, and post-processing. Pre-processing makes geometry models and meshing. Processing determine physic condition of models. Post-processing displays temperature contours of models and air streamline at surface surrounding models Based from results, capacity value at pw 7 mm inlet 353 K was 72.08 watt; inlet 333 K was 61.27 watt; and inlet 313 K was 19.52 watt. Capacity value at pw 9 mm inlet 353 K was 64.89 watt; inlet 333 K was 57.45 watt; and inlet 313 K was 17.32 watt. Capacity value at pw 9 mm inlet 353 K was 59.4 watt; inlet 333 K was 53.46 watt; and inlet 313 K was 16.06 watt. Contours from result showed better decrease of single staggered when lesses pitch wire. Air streamline showed air at surface surrounding of the wire and tube flows by free convection from the bottom to the top of the wire and tube due to a temperature decrease from the top-down the wire and tube.
Kata kunci : Single Staggered Capacity, Pitch Wire, ANSYS Fluent, CFD.