Mayasari, Erma Dewi. 2020. Pengembangan Materi Ajar Huruf Kana dalam Bentuk Buku Pelengkap Huruf Kana Berbasis Literasi untuk Siswa SMA/MA Kelas X. Tesis, Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing (I) Dr.Roni, M.Hum, M.A., dan (II) Didik Nurhadi, M.Pd, M.A, Ph.D
Pada penelitian ini dibahas Pengembangan Materi Ajar Huruf Kana dalam Bentuk Buku Pelengkap Huruf Kana Berbasis Literasi Untuk Siswa SMA/MA Kelas X. Kurikulum saat ini yang dipakai pada satuan pendidikan sudah tidak mengajarkan konsep pembelajaran tentang huruf kana. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal dan analisis kebutuhan ternyata siswa atau peserta didik sangat membutuhkan pembelajaran tersebut. Oleh karena itu mencoba dikembangkan materi ajar huruf kana yang dikemas dalam buku pelengkap melalui penelitian produk. Pengembangan materi huruf kana dalam bentuk buku pelengkap ini terdiri atas proses pengembangan dan kualitas buku pelengkap.
Proses pengembangan produk materi ajar huruf kana dalam bentuk buku pelengkap menggunakan model Borg and Gall dengan tahapan Research and Information Collecting, Planing, Develop Preliminary Form of Product, Preliminary Field Testing, Main Product Revision, Main Field Testing, Operational Product Revision, Operational Field Testing, Final Product Revision, Dissemination and Implementation. Pada proses pengumpulan informasi dilakukan wawancara dan observasi awal mengenai kebutuhan dan karateristik siswa. Kemudian hasil tersebut digunakan untuk menyusun rencana dalam pemilihan materi desain buku sehingga terbentuk sebuah draft rancangan materi huruf kana. Rancangan tersebut kemudian dikembangkan dalam bentuk buku pelengkap yang melalui proses validasi oleh validator dari aspek isi, penyajian, bahasa dan kegrafikaan. Lalu, setelah menerima hasil validasi dilakukan revisi dan uji coba pada 3 tempat penelitian, yaitu uji coba terbatas di SMAN I Kutorejo, uji coba utama dan operasional di SMAN I Puri dan MA Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Mojokerto. Setiap uji coba menyebarkan instrumen untuk guru dan siswa sehingga akan diperoleh saran dan komentar untuk dilakukan perbaikan supaya materi kana menjadi lebih baik. Dari beberapa saran yang harus dilakukan dari aspek materi supaya materi lebih fokus, memperjelas instruksi, serta memperbaiki bentuk penulisan. Dari aspek penyajian supaya dilakukan revisi pada gambar untuk mencari gambar yang bebas hak cipta. Dari aspek kebahasaan supaya memperbaiki penggunaan ejaan bahasa Indonesia sesuai dengan aturan. Dari aspek grafika supaya diperbaiki desain dan warna serta resolusi pada kulit luar buku tersebut.
Kualitas pengembangan buku pelengkap huruf kana meliputi 3 aspek, yaitu kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Penilaian pengembangan produk kevalidan aspek isi atau materi dengan hasil persentase sebesar 77,72%, aspek penyajian sebesar 82,82%, aspek kebahasaan sebesar 79,37%, aspek kegrafikaan sebesar 89% dan buku pelengkap huruf kana berdasarkan nilai rata-rata dikatakan valid untuk digunakan. Buku pelengkap pembelajaran huruf kana praktis digunakan dengan rincian sebagai berikut yaitu, 1) berdasarkan keterlaksanaan RPP praktis dilaksanakan dengan persentase 77,20%, 2) berdasarkan respon siswa praktis digunakan dengan tingkat persentase sebesar 87,85%, 3) berdasarkan respon guru praktis digunakan dengan tingkat persentase 84,75%. Buku pelengkap pembelajaran huruf kana efektif digunakan dengan rincian sebagai berikut yaitu, 1) berdasarkan aktivitas siswa efektif digunakan dengan persentase 79,55%, 2) berdasarkan aktivitas guru efektif digunakan dengan tingkat persentase sebesar 81,93%, 3) berdasarkan hasil ketuntasan belajar efektif digunakan dengan tingkat persentase 80,57%.
Kata kunci: Penelitian pengembangan, huruf kana, unsur buku, literasi dasar
Mayasari, Erma Dewi. 2020. The Development of Kana Letter Teaching Materials in the Form of Kana Complementary Books Based on Literacy for Tenth Grade of High School / MA Students. Thesis, Language and Literature Study Program, Postgraduate Program, State University of Surabaya. Advisors (I) Dr.Roni, M.Hum, M.A., and (II) Didik Nurhadi, M.Pd, M.A, Ph.D
This research discusses the Development of Kana Letters for Teaching Materials in the Form of Kana complementary books based on literacy for tenth grade High School / MA Students. The current curriculum used in educational units has not taught the concept of learning about kana letters. Based on the results of preliminary observations and needs analysis, it turns out that students or students really need the learning. Therefore, researchers try to develop teaching materials kana letters which are packaged in supplementary books through product research. Development of kana letter material in the form of supplementary books consists of the development process and quality of supplementary books.
The process of developing Kana teaching material products in the form of supplementary books uses the Borg and Gall model with the stages of Research and Information Collecting, Planing, Developing Preliminary Forms of Products, Preliminary Field Testing, Main Product Revision, Main Field Testing, Operational Product Revision, Operational Field Testing , Final Product Revision, Dissemination and Implementation. In the process of gathering information, interviews and preliminary observations are made about the needs and characteristics of students. Then the results are used to prepare a plan in the selection of book design material so that a draft draft of kana letter material is formed. The design is then developed in the form of a supplementary book through the validation process by the validator in terms of content, presentation, language and graphics. Then, after receiving the validation results, revisions and trials were conducted in 3 research sites, namely limited trials at SMAN I Kutorejo, main and operational trials at Puri I Senior High School and MA Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Mojokerto. Each trial distributes instruments to teachers and students so that suggestions and comments will be obtained to make improvements, so that the Kana material becomes better. Of the several suggestions that must be made from the material aspects, so that the material is more focused, clarifying instructions, and improving the form of writing. From the presentation aspect, there should be revisions to the image to find images that are free of copyright. From the linguistic aspect to improve the use of Indonesian spelling in accordance with the rules. From the graphic aspect, the design and color and resolution of the cover of the book should be improved.
The quality of the development of the complementary book of kana letter includes 3 aspects, namely validity, practicality and effectiveness. Evaluation of product development Validity of the content or material aspect with a percentage of 77.72%, the presentation aspect of 82.82%, the linguistic aspect of 79.37%, the aspect of graphics by 89% and the supplementary book of kana based on the average value said to be valid to use. Complementary textbooks for practical kana learning are used with the following details, namely, 1) based on the implementation of practical lesson plans implemented with a percentage of 77.20%, 2) based on practical student responses used with a percentage level of 87.85%, 3) based on practical teacher responses used with a percentage rate of 84.75%. The supplementary textbook of effective kana learning is used with the following details, namely, 1) based on effective student activities used with a percentage of 79.55%, 2) based on effective teacher activity used with a percentage level of 81.93%, 3) based on the results of completeness of effective learning used with a percentage rate of 80.57%.
Keywords: The Development research, kana letters, supplementary books, basic literacy