Nurani Faiza . 2022. Development of Augmented Reality-Based Social Studies Learning Media to
Improve Students' Knowledge Competence in Grade IV Theme 7 Sub-theme 2 in
Elementary Schools . Thesis. Basic Education Study Program, Postgraduate,
State University of Surabaya. Advisor: (1) Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Turhan Yani,
M.A. and (2) Dr. Agus Suprijono, M.Si.
Learning Media, Augmented Reality, ARPADASIA, 4D
development research to determine the feasibility, effectiveness and
practicality of Augmented Reality-based social studies learning media for grade
IV at SDN Karang Entang Kwanyar Bangkalan. This media is named ARADASIA. This
development research uses a 4D model. Based on expert validation, learning
media experts obtained a percentage of 100% which was included in the very
feasible and very valid criteria. The subjects of this study were fourth grade
students of SDN Karang Entang. Subjects consisted of 30 students, with the
division of 9 students in small group trials and 21 students in large group
trials. Data collection techniques consist of observation, interviews, student
response questionnaires, tests and documentation. The types of data obtained in
this development research are quantitative and qualitative.
on the results of the study, it shows that: (1) expert validation of learning
material experts obtains a percentage of 87.5% and is included in the very
feasible and very valid criteria. expert validation of learning media experts
obtains a percentage of 100% and is included in the very feasible and very
valid criteria. (2) The effectiveness of ARPADASIA learning media is measured
by the ability of students' knowledge in the form of student learning outcomes
tests. In the pretest of small group trials, it was found that 55% of students
completed, while in the posttest, 100% of students were completed. In the large
group trial, the pretest resulted in 33% of students completing the posttest,
while 100% of students completing the posttest. Thus it can be concluded that
ARPADASIA learning media plays an important role in learning and can be one
solution to improve student learning outcomes. (3) The practicality of learning
media in this study obtained results of 85% in small group trials and 97% in
large group trials. It can be concluded that ARPADASIA learning media is very
practical to use as a learning medium. From all these data, it can be concluded
that ARPADASIA learning media is said to be very feasible and valid, very
effective and very practical to use in the learning process at SDN Karang Entang
Kwanyar Bangkalan.