Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga dan Rekreasi sangat berpotensi mengalami cedera dikarenakan peserta didik dalam melakukan aktivitas pelajaran olahraga mengalami kontak fisik secara langsung. Cedera olahraga adalah berbagai bentuk macam cedera yang timbul, pada saat latihan, maupun pada saat berolahraga atau sesudah berolahraga. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan guru PJOK tentang pertolongan pertama dan pencegahan cedera olahraga di SMAN/SMKN se-kecamatan Bojonegoro. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan perhitungan SPSS 2.4. Populasi pada penelitian ini seluruh guru PJOK SMAN/SMKN se-kecamatan Bojonegoro dengan sampel sebanyak 22 guru PJOK se- Hasil dari penelitian ini Guru PJOK dengan kategori sangat baik yakni terdapat 2 guru, kategori baik yakni terdapat 15 guru, dan kategori cukup yakni 5 guru PJOK SMAN/SMKN se- Kecamatan Bojonegoro. Kesimpulan pada pengetahuan guru PJOK di SMAN/SMKN di Bojonegoro dengan katagori baik dengan hasil rata-rata sebesar 73,64%.
Kata kunci : Tingkat Pengetahuan Guru PJOK, Pertolongan Pertama dan Pencegahan Cedera Olahraga
Physical Education, Sports and Recreation learning is very potentially injured because learners in doing sports lessons experience direct physical contact. Sports injuries are various forms of injuries that arise, during exercise, or during exercise or after exercise. The purpose of this study was to find out the level of Physical Education, Health and Recreation teacher's knowledge about first aid and sports injury prevention in Senior High School/Vocational High School in Bojonegoro sub-district. Bojonegoro sub-district. The population in this study was all teachers of Physical Education, Health and Recreation Senior High School/Vocational High School in Bojonegoro sub-district with a sample of 22 Physical Education, Health and Recreation teachers. The results of this study Physical Education, Health and Recreation teachers with a very good category of 2 teachers, a good category of 15 teachers, and a sufficient category of 5 teachers Physical Education, Health and Recreation Senior High School/Vocational High School in Bojomegoro subdistrict. Conclusion on the knowledge of Physical Education, Health and Recreation teachers at Senior High School/Vocational High School in Bojonegoro with good category with an average result of 73.64%. The method used in this study uses descriptive quantitative using SPSS 2.4 calculation. Keywords: Teacher Knowledge Level Physical Education, Health and Recreation, First Aid and Sports Injury Prevention
Keywords : Physical Education, Health and Recreation teacher knowledge level, First aid and sports injury prevention