Name: M. Prayoga Pangestu
NIM: 16040263072
Study Program: DIII State Administration
Department: Public Administration
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Name of Institution: Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
Advisor: Dr. Prasetyo Isbandono, S.Sos., M.Sc.
The implementation of public information services at the PPID Assistant for the Department of Youth and Sports in East Java Province still has several obstacles that cause obstacles. This includes the accuracy of the information provided. Responsibility that relates to the role of the leader in the overall implementation of public information services. Completeness of facilities and infrastructure in the form of data / information is experiencing obstacles. Ease of access has not been utilized properly. Some of these constraints have an impact on the minimum participation of applicants in the form of information service reports in 2016 as many as four applicants, in 2017 as many as two applicants, and in 2018 no applicants carried out public information service activities.
The type of research used to carry out this research is descriptive research using qualitative methods. The focus of this research refers to the Decree of the Minister of Administrative Reform Number 63 / KEP / M.PAN / 7/2003 concerning General Guidelines for the Implementation of Public Services by raising the principles of public service. Data obtained from sources of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification.
The results of the study illustrate that (1) the simplicity in the implementation of information services in the form of ease of procedure consisting of filling out the information request form and collecting self identity. (2) clarity regarding the requirements for requesting information and details of costs. (3) certainty of time regarding the estimated time given for 10 (ten) days with an estimated extension of 7 (seven) days. (4) accuracy has constraints in the form of selecting information that is less than optimal due to the lack of coordination within the internal PPID. (5) security regarding the guarantee of the privacy of the applicant's data and public information products. (6) the responsibility regarding the leader of the dominant information service provider is carried out by the information service technical implementer. (7) complete facilities and infrastructure there are obstacles in the form of unpreparedness of data by related fields regarding the information to be provided. (8) ease of access has not been utilized properly. (9) discipline, politeness, and friendliness in the form of planting ethics and a good attitude when carrying out information services. (10) the convenience of an information service room environment facilitated by comfortable seating and air conditioning.
The conclusion of this study is that some principles of public service are not in accordance with the focus of the research. The suggestion of this research is that there is a need for innovations carried out by PPID so that more applicants can visit and submit applications both in direct services and services through print and electronic media. Increasing the socialization of the PPID function to related parties such as SKPD who need information. Improve coordination with related fields to improve the quality of public information services. Improve internal PPID coordination as an effort to improve the implementation of public information services. Strict job description implementation so that the entire PPID organizational structure can run well.
Keywords: Public Services, Public Information Services, PPID (Information and Documentation Management Officer)