Karya sastra memiliki hubungan dengan pembaca karena esensi dari karya sastra bagi pembaca. Oleh karena itu kualitas karya sastra berdasarkan penilaian dari pembaca. Pembaca berhak berkomentar, menilai, menikmati dan menghargai apa yang mereka baca. Setiap pembaca memiliki cara berbeda untuk memberikan tanggapan karena persepsi atau tanggapan berdasarkan latar belakang mereka termasuk pengalaman mereka, keluarga mereka, lingkungan mereka. Dalam hal ini, skripsi ini menggunakan novel Randa Abdel Fattah dengan judul “Do My Head Look Big In This”. Yang mana novel ini tentang rasisme untuk Muslim di Australia. Alasan menggunakan novel ini dikarenakan novel ini mengkritik masyarakat di Australia dengan perspektif mereka tentang Muslim. Selain itu Indonesia adalah salah satu populasi Muslim terbesar. Maka kita harus tahu bagaimana persepsi atau tanggapan Muslim Indonesia muda terhadap novel ini.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana tanggapan atau persepsi Muslim Indonesia muda terhadap novel Randa Abdel Fattah “Does My Head Look Big In This”. Penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan reading log. Teori penelitian ini adalah presepsi pembaca, studi diaspora, identitas, praktik kerudung dan kerudung, Muslim imigran di Australia.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembaca melibatkan emosi dan perasaan dalam respons mereka. Beberapa pembaca merasa bahwa kerudung itu penting bagi wanita terutama Muslim, yang lain merasa bahwa kerudung adalah komitmen, oleh karena itu, tergantung pada masing-masing individu. . Setelah pembaca membaca novel, mereka memiliki emotional dan feeling terhadap karakter dalam novel. Pembaca merasakan apa yang dirasakan karakter meskipun mereka hanya membaca novel.
Kata kunci: Karya sastra, Respon pembaca, dan Berkerudung.
Literary work has a relation with the reader because of the essence of literary work for readers. Therefore the quality of literary work based on the assessment of readers. Entitled readers to comment, judge, enjoy and appreciate what they read. The readers have a different way to give respond because the perception or respond based on their background includes their experience, their family, their environment. In this case, this thesis uses the novel of Randa Abdel Fattah with the title Does My Head Look Big In this. Which this novel about racism to Muslims in Australia. The reason for the research is the novel has critical of society in Australia with their perspective of Muslims. Besides that Indonesia is one of the largest Muslim populations. So we have to know how the perception or respond of Indonesia young Muslim to this novel.
This research aims to describe how the responds or perception of Indonesia young Muslim to the novel of Randa Abdel Fattah Does My Head Look Big In this. This research using interviews and reading the log. This theory of this research is reading the response, diaspora studies, identity, veil and veiling practice, immigrant Muslims in Australia.
The result of the research is showing that readers involves emotional and feeling in their response. Some of the readers feel that the veil is important for women especially Muslims, others felt that the veil is a commitment. therefore, the response of readers it depends on each individual. After the reader read the novel, they have some emotional and feeling to the character in the novel. The readers fell what the character feeling although they just read the novel.
Key word: Literary work, Reading response, and Veiling.