Setiap orang terlahir dengan hak-hak yang melekat pada dirinya dan telah dijamin oleh undang-undang, begitupun pada Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ). Namun pada praktiknya, pelanggaran terhadap ODGJ masih terjadi, seperti pelanggaran haknya untuk diakui sebagai warga negara melalui kepemilikan kartu identitas, adanya pemasungan, stigma, kesulitan akses kesehatan, pendidikan, kesempatan kerja dan sebagainya. Keadaan tersebut membuat Komunitas Peduli Skizofrenia Indonesia (KPSI) bergerak membela hak-hak ODGJ. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi marketing sosial dalam kampanye advokasi hak-hak ODGJ yang dilakukan KPSI pusat melalui pendekatan penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa KPSI menggunakan pendekatan 4p (product,place,price,promotions) dalam strategi kampanye advokasinya yaitu melalui grup facebook, peer support group, kolaborasi komunitas, pembentukan komunitas kesehatan jiwa baru, kolaborasi dengan LBH, upaya politik kolektif serta aksi sosial.
Kata Kunci : Marketing Sosial, Kampanye Advokasi, Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa, Komunitas Peduli Skizofrenia Indonesia.
Every person was born with the rights attached to them and has been guaranteed by constitution, correspondingly it’s also with people having mental disorders (ODGJ). However pratically, violations against KPSI still occurs, such as violations of their right to be recognized as citizens through ownership of identity cards, being stocked, stigma, employment opportunities, difficulty in accessing healthcare, education and atc. This situation makes the Komunitas Peduli Skizorenia Indonesia (KPSI) move to defend the rights of ODGJ. This study aims to find out how social marketing strategies in advocacy campaign for ODGJ rights carried out by the main office of KPSI through a descriptive research approach. The results of this study indicate that KPSI uses a 4p (product, place, price, promotions) approach in the formulation of its advocacy campaign strategy and has several creative strategies such as facebook group, peer support group, community collaboration, support the formation of mental health community, collaboration with legal aid agencies, collective politics and social action.
Keywords: Social Marketing, Advocacy Campaign, People with Mental Disorders, Indonesian Schizophrenia Care Community.