Putro Andi Setiawan 2016. The Effect of Learning Problem Posing Assisted byApplication Wingeom Conceptual Understanding and Reasoning of Elementary School
Students in Building Space Material. Thesis, Basic Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University. Advisor: (I) Prof. Dr. Tatag
Yuli Eko Siswono, M.Pd. and (II) Rooselyna Ekawati S.Si., M Sc., Ph.D.
Key words:Learning Model Problem Posing,
conceptual understanding, reasoning, building space
. This study aims to analyze the effect of learning problem posing assisted by applications wingeom on increasing conceptual
understanding skills. The type of research to be carried out is experimental research. In experimental research, the
division of objects and subjects to be studied is into two groups, namely
thegroup treatment or those receiving treatment and the control group which does not receive treatment. The instrument used in
this study was the use of test questions. The population used in this study
were 52 grade V students at SD Siti Aminah, Karang Pilang District, Surabaya
City. The data analysis technique used the t-test
with the help of the SPSS 25 for
windows program.
The results showed that the average value of the
conceptual understanding of students who had been given treatment was 82.88.
Based on the results of the t test, it shows that
the value of tcount is 3.333 (df 25)>
ttable 1.708 (df 25) and
the value of Sig.
(2-tailed) 0.003 <0.05. This shows
that there is a significant influence on students' conceptual understanding in the experimental class. In proving
the second hypothesis, namely
the application of the learning model Problem
Posing assisted by the application Wingeom
to the reasoning of students, the results of the study were 82.89
in the experimental class. Based on the results of the t test, it shows that the value of tcount is 3.058 (df 25)> ttable
1.708 (df 25) and the value of Sig. (2-tailed) 0.005
This shows that there is a significant influence on students' conceptual
understanding in the experimental class.
The results of the study to answer
the third hypothesis, namely
the effect of the application of the learning model problem posing assisted by the application Wingeom on the learning activities of students got an average value
of 76.3 in the experimental class. Based on the results of the t test, it shows
that the value of tcount 3,433 (df 38)> ttable 2,024 (df 38) and the value of Sig. (2-tailed) 0.003 <0.05. This shows that there is a significant
influence on students' conceptual
understanding in the experimental class. Meanwhile, for testing the fourth
hypothesis, it is known that the average value of the ability of student
learning outcomes (pretest), namely
66.73, has increased after being given treatment,
student learning outcomes (post-test) is
82.88. Based on these results indicate that there is an increase in the ability
problem posing of students because
they already have basic knowledge in the posttest.
Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded
that there is a significant influence between the control class of the learning
model problem posing on the
experimental class, namely understanding, reasoning, activities and learning outcomes
in mathematics for material building space for grade V elementary school