(Study on BUMDes Sekar Maju Sejahtera in Sekargadung Village, Dukun District,
Gresik Regency)
Name : Ubaidillah Al Fikri
NIM : 15040674095
Program : Bachelor of State
Faculty : Social
Sciences and Law
of Institution : Surabaya State
Advisor : Muhammad Farid Ma'ruf,
S.Sos., M.AP.
Indonesia as a developing country continues
to intensify the existence of national development. Regional autonomy provides
an opportunity for the community and government in the region to more freely
regulate and manage the needs of the community in their area. The government
made a new policy, namely Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning villages. One effort
that can increase village income is the establishment of Village-Owned
Enterprises, as stipulated in the Village Minister Regulation Number 4 of 2015
concerning the Establishment, Management, Management and Dissolution of
Village-Owned Enterprises. The effort to improve the village economy is also a
concern of Gresik Regency Government, one of the villages that is seriously
trying to develop BUMDes is Sekargadung Village, Dukun District, Gresik
Regency. Sekargadung Village has a Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) Sekar Maju
Sejahtera which functions as a village economic institution that can help
increase village income and prosper the community.
This study uses a research method with a
qualitative approach with a descriptive type. The location of this research was
based on the BUMDes Sekar Sejahtera, Sekargadung Village, Dukun District,
Gresik Regency. The focus of this research is: how the strategy for developing
BUMDes is through identifying the economic potential of the village in the
BUMDes Sekar Maju Sejahtera, Sekargadung Village, Dukun District, Gresik
The results of this study are
Sekargadung Village which has established the Sekar Maju Sejahtera BUMDes as
regulated in the Village Minister Regulation Number 4 of 2015 concerning the
Establishment, Management, and Dissolution of Village-Owned Enterprises. The
BUMDes Sekar Maju Sejahtera serves to help manage and identify the potential
that exists in Sekargadung Village. BUMDes identified the economic potential of
the village by adding business units by disseminating information to 122 of the
15 RTs of the Sekargadung Village community to absorb aspirations from the
community. BUMDes also identify business opportunities that will be carried out
by looking at the proposed business units proposed by the community.
Development, BUMDes, Village Potential