Name :
Muhammad Iqbal
Study Program :
Subject :
Curriculum and Educational Technology
Faculty :
Science of Education
Name of Institute : State University of Surabaya
Advisor : Drs. Lamijan Hadi Susarno. M.Pd
The learning objectives are to (1) develop media E-module learning
graphic design printing subjects for subject of matter image composition in
photography for students of class XI
Multimedia SMKN 1 Driyorejo Gresik in accordance with the
needed, (2) determine the feasibility media E-module learning graphic design
printing subjects for subject of matter image composition in photography for
students of class XI Multimedia SMKN 1 Driyorejo Gresik in
accordance with the needed, (3) determine the effectiveness of the media
E-module learning graphic design printing subjects for subject of matter image
composition in photography for students of class XI
Multimedia SMKN 1 Driyorejo Gresik in accordance with the
needed. The development product specifications of media E-module learning
graphic design printing subjects for subject of matter image composition in
photography such as E-module learning accompanied by E-module learning’s lesson
plan, accompanying materials (guidebooks utilization), and packaged in a CD.
The development model used is a model of R&D (Research and
Development). Trial subject of media E-module learning, trial two
material experts, two media experts and students of class XI
Multimedia SMKN 1 Driyorejo Gresik with the number 30,
15 male students and 15 female students.
Data collected through the instrument interview subject matter experts and
media experts, questionnaire for students consists of individual trials of
three students, small group trials of six students, and large group trials of
21 students. Analysis of the data used to process data, namely the study of
students with percentage and t-test.