Pramono. 2015. Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Untuk Anak Usia Dini Dengan Permainan CE2IG. Disertasi. Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing (1) Prof. Dr. H. Nurhasan, M.Kes., dan (2) Dr. Nining Widyah Kusnanik, M.Appl.Sc.
Kata-kata Kunci: Model pembelajaran, keterampilan gerak, kreativitas, perilaku prososial.
Penelitan ini bertujuan, menganalisis validitas, kepraktisan, dan efektifitas model pembelajaran creative, enjoyable experience, innovative, game yang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan gerak, kreativitas, dan perilaku prososial anak usia dini, menganalisis kepraktisan model pembelajaran creative, enjoyable experience, innovative, game yang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan gerak, berpikir kreatif, dan perilaku prososial anak usia dini. Penelitian pengembangan terkait penelitian ini merupakan sintesis dari beberapa model penelitian pengembangan yang telah teruji, yaitu Model dari Ploom (2007), Model Kemp(2004), Model Hanafin and Pack (1998) dan model Borg and Gall ( 1989, p.624).
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, dengan mempertimbangkan tujuan penelitian dan cakupan subjek penelitian, prosedur penelitian ini menggunakan 6 langkah yaitu pertama, melakukan analisis kebutuhan, kedua mengidentifikasi model aspiratif yang diinginkan oleh pendidik PAUD, ketiga mengembangkan model awal (model hipotetik), keempat melakukan uji ahli, kelima melakukan uji coba skala kecil (uji penggunaan model), dan keenam melakukan uji coba lapangan (uji penerapan model) dengan menggunakan penelitian eksperimen.
Berdasarkan penilaian dari para ahli diperoleh nilai aspek konsep dasar model, prinsip model, tujuan model, karakteristik model, petunjuk pelaksanaan model untuk anak usia dini dalam kategori valid. Keterlaksanaan permainan pada keterampilan gerak 94,20%, Keterlaksanaan permainan kreativitas 92.10 %, Keterlaksanaan permainan pada prososial 93.33%. Uji normalitas ketrampilan gerak dasar 0.662, Uji normalitas kreativitas 0.013, Uji normalitas perilaku prososial 0.198, Uji homogenitas ketetrampilan gerak dasar 0.479, Uji homogenitas kreativitas 0.576, Uji homogenitas perilaku prososial 0.313. untuk uji efektifitas ketrampilan gerak, kreativitas dan perilaku prososial memberi pengaruh pada model pembelajaran CE2IG.
Berdasarakan hasil analisis data, disimpulkan Model Pembelajaran CE2IG dapat meningkatkan keterampilan gerak, kreativitas dan perilaku prososial.
Pramono. 2015. Development of the Learning Model for Early Childhood by CE2IG Games. Dissertation. Program of Sport Science Study, Postgraduate Program of State University of Surabaya. Advisors (1) Prof. Dr. H. Nurhasan, M.Kes., And (2) Dr. Nining Widyah Kusnanik, M.Appl.Sc.
Key Words: Learning model, motion skill, creativity, behavior prosocial.
This research is aimed at analyzing the validity, practicality and effectiveness of creative, enjoyable experience, innovative, and game learning models developed to improve early childhood movement, creativity and prosocial behavior, and analyzing the practicality of creative, enjoyable experience, innovative game learning models developed to improve movement skills, creative thinking, and early childhood prosocial behavior. This development research related to this research is a synthesis of several validated development research models, namely the Model of Ploom (2007), Kemp (2004), Hanafin and Pack (1998) and Borg and Gall (1989, p.624).
Considering the objectives, scope subject, and method research, it is used 6 steps in the research procedure as follows; firstly, conducting a needs analysis; secondly, identifying the aspirational model desired by PAUD educators; thirdly, developing the initial model (hypothetical model); fourthly, conducting expert test; fifthly, conducting small scale test (model usage test), and sixthly, conducting field trial (model application test) by using experimental research.
Based on the assessment of the experts, it is obtained the some aspect values of the model such as basic concept, the principle, the purpose, the characteristic, the implementation instruction for early childhood in the valid category. The implementation of the game on motion skills is 94.20%, the implementation of the game on creativity is 92.10%, the implementation of the game on prosocial is 93.33%. The normality test of basic motion skills is 0.662, normality test of creativity is 0.013, normality test of prosocial behavior is 0.198, homogeneity test of basic motion skill is 0.479, homogeneity test of creativity is 0.576, homogeneity test of prosocial behavior is 0.313. For the effectivenes test of motion skills, creativity and prosocial behavior, it influences the CE2IG learning model.
Based on the result of data analysis, it is concluded that the CE2IG Learning Model can improve movement skills, creativity and prosocial behavior