Surface design plays an essential role in improving quality and
developing decorative values of textiles products. This study aims to inform
and to describe the development of comb embroidery as the surface design of the
textiles, including its characteristics, diversification of its motifs, shapes,
type of materials, embroidery techniques, and also its application. The method
used in this study is a systematic literature approach that consists of keyword
identification and deselection of references based on the relevance criteria
corresponding to the aim of the study.
This deselection narrows down into four references with relevance to the
application of comb embroidery as the surface design of the textiles. Thus, the
study analyzed: (1) characteristics of the comb embroidery; (2) the
diversification of its motifs, shapes, type of materials, type of embroidery
techniques, and (3) its application within household goods or textiles. This
study showed that comb embroidery can be identified through the usage of a hair
comb to help to weave the yarn and its raised woven. Comb embroidery manifests
into a naturalist, geometrical, and decorative motifs. The shape of the
embroidery can be sphere, wide oval, sharp-edged free-form, or an elongated
rectangle. Type of materials are not restricted to cotton yarn but expands to
extensive usage of wool, polyester, and nylon yarn. Comb embroidery technique
can be classified into three-dimension weaving and stitching/knots. Comb
embroidery is widely applied in household goods and women’s clothes or shoes.
Keywords: comb embroidery, hand embroidery, surface
design, surface ornamentation, textile.