XXI century education emphasizes on a high-level thinking skills, one of which
is critical thinking. Critical thinking is an important pattern of thinking
whereas critical thinking makes someone will be able to analyze and find out
the truth of the problems that occur around. The ability to think critically is
also influenced by the teaching and learning process carried out by the teacher
in the classroom. The learning process carried out in Kabuh State High School,
Jombang does not facilitate students to encourage their critical thinking
skills. This is because when the learning process occurs in the classroom, the
teacher still uses conventional learning methods. The lack of critical thinking
skills of students is characterized by the weakness of students in expressing
ideas or insights and students have not been able to ask questions that show
the process of critical thinking .
on the problems that occur in Kabuh State High School, Jombang, the researcher
applied one of the learning models that was able to encourage students'
critical thinking skills, namely the project
based learning model. The design used in this study was Pre Experimental
Design, the sample in this study were XI IPS class students of Kabuh State High
School. Data collection techniques were in the form of the average assessment
of projects / products "History Mading", tests of students' critical
thinking skills, observation sheets, and student response questionnaires. The
data analysis technique used was the analysis of the results of the
"History Mading" project evaluation, and analysis of the test of
students' critical thinking skills in the form of essay questions. This study
aims to (1) Explain the effect of project
based learning models on students' critical thinking skills in historical
subjects; (2) To analyze the influence of the project based learning model on
students' critical thinking skills in historical subjects.
results of the study using simple linear regression test resulted in a
regression equation Y = 19, 049+ 0.718 X. The regression coefficient shows a
positive value, means that the project based learning model influences
students' critical thinking skills. In addition, from testing with a simple
linear regression test,it was obtained a significance value of 0,000
<significance level of 0.05 and T arithmetic of 6,825> T table that is 2,
042, it can be concluded that the project based learning model influences
students' critical thinking skills. The coefficient of determination in a
simple linear regression test shows the number 60.8 which means that the
influence of the project based learning
model on students' critical thinking skills is 60.8%.
Keywords : Project Based Learning , Critical