Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan jobsheet yang belum sempat dikaji ulang selama 16 tahun. Penelitian meliputi a) kelayakan pengembangan jobsheet, b) respon mahasiswa setelah penggunaan jobsheet dan c) pengamatan keterlaksanaan ujicoba pengembangan jobsheet pada kompetensi praktikum bahan agregat kasar pada mata kuliah Teknologi Beton dan Praktikum.
Metode penelitian menggunakan metode Research and Development (R & D) sampai dengan tahap ujicoba produk (Sugiyono, 2018:297). Subjek ujicoba adalah mahasiswa prodi D3 Teknik Sipil angkatan 2018 Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Negeri Surabaya sejumlah 21 mahasiswa. Instrumen pengumpulan data mengukur validasi jobsheet, angket respon mahasiswa, dan lembar pengamatan keterlaksanaan ujicoba jobsheet. Jobsheet divalidasi oleh 2 (dua) dosen, angket respon diisi oleh mahasiswa, dan keterlaksanaan ujicoba jobsheet diamati oleh 2 (dua) observer.
Hasil penelitian pengembangan jobsheet adalah a) kelayakan pengembangan jobsheet pada kompetensi praktikum bahan agregat kasar pada mata kuliah Teknologi Beton dan Praktikum adalah 77,5% (kategori baik), b) respon mahasiswa setelah menggunakan jobsheet praktikum bahan agregat kasar pada mata kuliah Teknologi Beton dan Praktikum adalah 80% (kategori baik), c) rerata hasil pengamatan keterlaksanaan ujicoba jobsheet selama 4 (empat) kali pertemuan pada aspek kelengkapan alat, keterampilan menggunakan alat, kesesuaian pelaksanaan praktik dengan prosedur, dan kesesuaian data yang diperoleh adalah 80,73% (kategori baik).
Kata kunci: Jobsheet, Praktikum Bahan Agregat Kasar, Teknologi Beton dan Praktikum.
This study aims to develop a jobsheet that has not been reviewed in 16 years. The research includes a) the feasibility of developing jobsheets, b) students' responses after the use of jobsheets and c) observing the implementation of jobsheet development trials on the competence of rough aggregate material practicum in Concrete Technology and Practicum courses.
The research method uses the Research and Development (R & D) method until the product trial stage (Sugiyono, 2018: 297). The test subjects were students of the D3 Civil Engineering study program class of 2018 Department of Civil Engineering, State University of Surabaya, totaling 21 students. Data collection instruments measure the validation of the jobsheet, student response questionnaire, and observation sheet of the implementation of the jobsheet test. The jobsheet was validated by 2 (two) lecturers, the response questionnaire was filled out by students, and the implementation of the jobsheet was observed by 2 (two) observers.
The results of the jobsheet development research are a) the feasibility of developing a jobsheet on the competency of coarse aggregate material practicum in Concrete Technology and Practicum subjects is 77.5% (good category), b) the students' responses after using the jobsheet of coarse aggregate material practicum in Concrete Technology courses and Practicum is 80% (good category), c) the average observation result of the implementation of the jobsheet trial for 4 (four) meetings on aspects of equipment completeness, skills in using tools, conformity of practice implementation with procedures, and suitability of data obtained is 80.73% ( good category).
Keywords: Jobsheet, Rough Aggregate Material Practicum, Concrete Technology and Practicum.