Devi Falamila Putri. 2023. Development of Android-Based Educational Game Media “Perjalanan Si Maya” as a Formative Assessment to Improve
Critical Thinking Ability
and Interest in Learning Science
for Elementary School Students.
Thesis . Basic Education Study Program, Faculty of Education, State University of Surabaya. Advisor: (1) Dr.
Wahono Widodo, M.Si. dan (II) Dr. Zainul Arifin
Imam Supardi, M.Si.
Keywords: Educational Game, Formative Assessment , Critical Thinking,
Interest in Learning
The background in this study is the low critical thinking skills and
interest in learning science in
elementary school students. The purpose of this research is to analyze and
describe the validity, practicality,
and effectiveness of developing an android-based educational game media "Perjalanan Si Maya" as a
formative assessment to improve critical thinking skills and interest in learning science in elementary
school students. This type of research is R&D (Research and development) which produces a new product in the
form of educational game media as a formative
test. The research
design used is ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The
research instruments were validation questionnaires, interest in learning
questionnaires, observation sheets,
interview sheets, tests, and documentation. The analysis technique
used is descriptive quantitative and qualitative analysis. Based on the results
of the study, it shows that the development of an android-based educational game
media "Perjalanan Si Maya" as a formative assessment is stated to be
very valid. Game reliability gets a
high category. Category material validation is very valid. High category reliability. While the instrument
validation of critical thinking questions is very valid and. Reliability about getting the high
category. The validation results of the interest in learning questionnaire are in the very valid
category. High category reliability. Practicality in terms of student responses, teacher responses and
student activities are classified as very practical. Effectiveness is viewed from two things, namely the value of
critical thinking skills and students' learning
interest. Based on the N-Gain,
the critical thinking
skills of the experimental class were quite
effective, while the mean value
of the control class was ineffective. The value of student interest
in learning has increased from before learning
with student learning
interest after learning. The use of the educational game "Perjalanan Si Maya" is an innovative solution to improve students' critical thinking skills and interest in learning.