Fenomena Gowes adalah peristiwa meningkatnya aktivitas serta jumlah pengendara sepeda di beberapa daerah di Indonesia yang tengah berlangsung sejak awal tahun 2020, tepat sesaat setelah pemerintah memberlakukan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) sebagai upaya penanggulangan wabah COVID-19. Memasuki pertengahan tahun, isu-isu seperti kecelakaan lalu lintas hingga tindak pidana yang melibatkan pesepeda seperti pembegalan semakin mengemuka seiring kian digemarinya aktivitas tersebut di kalangan masyarakat muda bahkan anak-anak. Kurangnya infrastruktur dalam menunjang pengalaman bersepeda yang aman hingga kelalaian pihak pesepeda sendiri mengimplikasikan urgensi atas materi keselamatan bersepeda untuk kembali ditegaskan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep serta proses perancangan dalam memvisualisasikan video motion graphic bertemakan keselamatan bersepeda yang edukatif, persuasif, insentif, dan relevan, sebagai solusi atas permasalahan yang timbul dari Fenomena Gowes. Video motion graphic ini dirancang menggunakan metode pemecahan masalahDesign Thinking Institut Desain Hasso-Plattner Stanford. Hasil penelitian ini berupa video motion graphic berdurasi 6 menit 28 detik yang memuat materi berupa saran, anjuran, dan tata aturan dalam menggunakan sepeda gayung dan ditujukan kepada anak-anak dari rentang usia 10 hingga 15 tahun. Dari proses validasi oleh ahli media dan ahli materi, solusi yang telah dirancang memperoleh rata-rata skor 4,2 pada kategori layak untuk diimplementasikan pada platform yang telah dipilih.
Kata Kunci: Motion Graphic, Edukasi, Keselamatan Bersepeda
The Gowes phenomenon is an episode that had been taking place since early 2020 in which the number and activity of cyclist in several regions in Indonesia had an increase, right after the local government imposed Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) as an effort to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak. By the middle of the year, issues such as traffic accidents to criminal acts involving cyclists such as hijacking are becoming increasingly prominent as these activities are becoming more popular among young adults or even children. The lack of infrastructures to support a safe cycling experience to the negligence of the cyclists themselves implies the urgency of cycling safety as a subject matter to be reaffirmed. This very study research around a design concept and process to develop a video in a format of motion graphic video with the theme of cycling safety that is educational, persuasive, incentive, and relevant, as a mean to resolves previous issues that had been arising from the Gowes Phenomenon. Design Thinking carried out at Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Standford is the problem-solving method preferably used in the development of the design solution. In result of this research is a motion graphic video with a 6 minutes 28 seconds duration in which it contains material in the form of suggestions, recommendations, and rules of a bicycle usage aimed to educate children at the age range of 10 to 15 years. The validation of the design solution by experts in media and subject matter, form an average score of 4,2 in the feasible category to be implemented on preferred platform.
Keywords: Motion Graphic, Education, Bike Safety