Gilang. 2019. Evaluation of 2013
Curriculum Implementation in The Achievement of Gradical Competency Standards
in Mathematics About Numeration
Literacy in SMA Negeri 1 Menganti Gresik . Thesis,
Educational Technology Study Program, Postgraduate State University of Surabaya.
Supervisor: (I) Prof. Dr. Siti Masitoh, M. Pd., and (II) Dr. Fajar Arianto, M.
Keywords :
curriculum evaluation, 2013 curriculum
development principles, countenance stake, numeration literacy .
purpose to determine the impact of the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum on educational units and the achievement
of graduates competency standards for each student in the education unit and
identify the impacts and constraints of the implementation of the 2013
curriculum in mathematics and mathematics literacy related to translating story
sentences in mathematical symbols and sentences, write down, and translate
questions mathematic.
evaluation study uses a countenance stake model with a quantitative approach.
The method used is documentation, observation and questionnaire or
questionnaire. Evaluation research subjects are 3 mathematics teachers and
34-35 samples of class XI students with curriculum object research documents,
teacher documents, numeration ( mathematics ) literacy skills and mathematics
learning implementation in 2013 curriculum.
results showed the principle of curriculum development and curriculum
components of SMAN 1 Menganti getting an average score of 100, component preparation
of teacher documents amounting to 78, implementation of 2013 curriculum
learning mathematics subjects getting an average score of 79, authentic
assessment of curriculum 2013 for subject teachers amounting to 69,
mathematical literacy skills obtained an average score of 70.
on the results of the 2013 curriculum evaluation research at SMAN 1 Menganti it
can be concluded (1) the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in mathematics
learning: (a) the principles of curriculum development in 2013 have met the standards
and refer to the graduate competency standards (SKL) can be categorized very good
(b) curriculum components and compilation of learning instrument documents in
accordance with Minister of Education Regulation No. 22 of 2016 which can be
categorized as good (c) the implementation of the 2013 curriculum has fulfilled
aspects that are characteristic of 2013 curriculum learning that can be
categorized good (d) authentic assessment of the 2013 curriculum authentic
curriculum can be categorized sufficiently good (2) constraints in the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum and numeration literacy: (a)
the authentic assessment of the 2013 curriculum the teacher lacked in
encouraging students to use opinions either verbally or in writing in the
aspect of attitude assessment (b) the numeration literacy
abilities of students of SMAN 1 Menganti can be categorized quite well .