Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi cedera yang sering dialami atlet pencak silat Kabupaten Bojonegoro yang meliputi jenis cedera, lokasi cedera, onset cedera, penyebab cedera dan penanganan cedera..
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet pencak silat Kabupaten Bojonegoro sebanyak 20 atlet. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dan teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan angket wawancara
Hasil penelitian menunjukan Jenis cedera yang dialami oleh pesilat Kabupaten Bojonegoro yaitu cedera lecet sebessar 44%, cedera memar sebesar 19%, cedera mimisan sebesar 10%, cedera dislokasi sendi sebesar 15%, cedera perobekan otot sebesar 8% dan cedera retak atau patah tulang sebesar 4%. Lokasi Cedera yang pernah dialami oleh pesilat Kabupaten Bojonegoro yaitu pada bagian kepala dan muka sebesar 20%, leher 3%, pergelangan tangan 11%. Jari tangan 10%, tungkai betis 3%, engkel 28%, jari kaki 8%, bahu 5%, lengan 10%, lutut 2%. Berdasarkan dari penampilan cedera atau gejala terjadinya cedera (Onset Cedera), Cedera akut sebesar 78%, cedera sub akut sebesar 16% dan cedera kronis sebesar 6%. Penyebab terjadinya cedera yang dialami oleh pesilat Kabupaten Bojonegoro yaitu kurang pemanasan sebsar 16%, salah teknik sebesar 22%, benturan sebesar 41%, latihan berlebihan sebesar 2%, sarpras tidak memadi 2% dan lainnya 17%. Tindakan yang dilakukan terhadap cedera yaitu RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) sebesar 11%,, masase sebesar 60%, operasi 4% dan lainnya 25%.
Dari hasil penelitian dari pengambilan data cedera atlet pencak silat Kabupaten Bojonegoro bahwa tingkat cedera yang dialami oleh atlet pencak silat Kabupaten Bojonegoro yaitu lecet dan memar yang diakibatkan oleh adanya bentur pada saat pertandingan..
Kata kunci : Jenis cedera, lokasi cedera, onset cedera, penyebab cedera, penanganan cedera, pencak silat.
This study aims to identify injuries that are often experienced by pencak silat athletes in Bojonegoro Regency which include the type of injury, location of the injury, injury onset, cause of injury and injury management.
This research is quantitative descriptive. The variables in this study were the martial arts athletes in Bojonegoro Regency. The subjects in this study were 20 athletes of the martial arts in Bojonegoro Regency. The method used was a survey and the data collection technique used an interview questionnaire
The results showed that the types of injuries suffered by combatants in Bojonegoro Regency were 44% abrasions, 19% bruises, 10% nosebleeds, 15% joint dislocation injuries, 8% muscle tearing injuries and fracture or fracture injuries by 10%. 4%. Location Injuries that have been experienced by fighters in Bojonegoro Regency are 20% of the head and face, 3% of the neck, 11% of the wrist. Fingers 10%, calves 3%, ankles 28%, toes 8%, shoulders 5%, arms 10%, knees 2%. Based on the appearance of the injury or the symptoms of the injury (injury onset), acute injury was 78%, sub-acute injury was 16% and chronic injury was 6%. The causes of injuries suffered by the Bojonegoro district fighters were 16% lack of warm-up, 22% wrong technique, 41% collision, 2% excessive training, 2% insufficient sarpras and 17% others. Actions taken for injury were RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) by 11%, massage by 60%, surgery for 4% and 25% others.
From the results of the research, from the data collection of injuries to the athletes of the Bojonegoro Regency, the level of injuries suffered by the athletes of the Bojonegoro Regency is abrasions and bruises caused by a collision during the match.
Keywords : Type of injury, location of injury, injury onset, cause of injury, handling of injuries, pencak silat.