Budianto, Aris . 2021. . Development
of Teaching Materials with Android-Assisted Contextual Teaching and Learning
(CTL) Approach to Improve Learning Outcomes of the Value for 5th Grade Students
of SDN Bulak Rukem II Surabaya. Thesis, Basic Education Program, Graduate
Program. Surabaya State University. Counselor (1) Prof. Warsono, M.S., and (2) Dr. Harmanto,M.Pd
Teaching Materials, Contextual Teaching And Learning
Approach, Android, Learning Outcomes
study aims to develop teaching materials with the Android-assisted CTL approach
to improve learning outcomes of the value of unity and integrity for fifth
grade students at SDN Bulak Rukem II Surabaya.
used the Thiagarajan model development model consisting of 4 stages, namely
Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The trial design used by researchers
was the Nonequivalen Control group design. The research design began with a pretest
to find out the students' initial abilities and then given treatment. Then the
postest was carried out. To find out the cognitive improvement of students.
Respondents of this study were class V with an experimental group of 20
students and a control group of 20 students.
collection techniques using questionnaires and learning outcomes tests. To
prove the significance of using CTL teaching materials assisted by android in
the experimental class against the control class using paired t-test. The t-test
was used to see differences in students' cognitive abilities in the control
class and the experimental class. The calculations using SPSS.
on the results of the t test in the table, it can be concluded that the sig
value. (2 tailed) of 0.000 ≤ 0.005. This proves that after being given
treatment in the experimental class by providing teaching materials with the
Android-assisted CTL approach, the significance value is 0.000 or less than
0.05. So it can be said that there has been an increase in learning outcomes of
unity value material in Indonesia by providing teaching materials with the
Android-assisted CTL approach in grade V elementary schools.