Sri. 2019. Development
of Independent Learning Activity Unit (UKBM) Sociology Based on Discovery
Learning To Grow Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Goverment Islamic Senior
High School 2 of Probolinggo . Thesis, Social Sciences Education Study Program,
Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State University. Advisor: (1) Prof. Dr.
Sarmini, M. Hum, and (2) Dr. M. Jacky, S.Sos, M.Sc.
Key Words: Independent Learning Activity Unit (UKBM), Discovery
Learning, Critical Thinking Skills
This study aims to develop a Learning Learning Unit
(UKBM) based on discovery learning to foster students' critical thinking
This research was carried out using the design of
the 4-D development model from Thiagarajan (1974) which consisted of four
stages, namely defining, designing, developing and disseminating. From the
development stage process, the results are obtained: (1) UKBM Sociology based
on discovery learning is rated very well by validators from material experts
and media experts. Some aspects assessed, namely the feasibility of content,
the feasibility of presentation, language, discovery learning approach, and
graphic aspects obtained 83% for material and 96% for media. Whereas the
results of the UKBM Sociology trial at MAN 2 Probolinggo, namely through sociology
teacher assessment as peer-reviewed (84%) and student responses (88%) after
learning to use UKBM showed that UKBM was considered feasible; (2) Paying
attention to students' answers in UKBM, the conclusion is that UKBM sociology
based on discovery learning effectively fosters critical thinking skills.
Conclusions are based on Robert Ennis's critical thinking indicators, namely
students are able to mention simple examples and explanations, have the ability
to consider the suitability of sources and arguments, draw conclusions and
interpret information based on facts and formulate alternative problem solving.
Based on the development stage process, it can be
concluded that the Independent Learning Activity Unit (UKBM) based on discovery
learning can be used in learning to foster students' critical thinking skills,
but need to be adapted to the situation and conditions in the classroom.