Indonesia is an archipelago country that has many island with its, cultures and jobs. An example of pottery industry in Jawa Timur in Precet, Plumpungrejo Village in Kademangan sub-district Blitar, many people produced pottery for improving their economy. Many kinds of pottery craftsman, they are modern pottery (souvenirs, carved jars, vases, etc), traditional pottery such as (thick, pot ,mortar, etc). The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions traditional craftmen on modern one by using some factors they are (interesting, supporting, participating and attitude).
T his study
was quantitative descriptive research with survey method. Population of pottery
home industry in Precet, Plumpungrejo Village are 200
craftmans. This study used 35 respondents as a sample of all pottery home
industry . Data were collected using accidental
sampling due to the difficulty researchers to find respondents.
The results showed
that 65.7% rate categorized bad interest on modern
pottery, 51.4% stated that Government and families support was bad, while 85.7% stated that participation of the Government as bad
as well, 100% stated the attitude of traditional pottery craftsman of the modern pottery home industry medium categorized.
Keywords: Perception, Craftmen, Gerabah Village, Home Industry .