Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk: (1) mencari wujud tindak tutur ilokusi direktif, dan (2) menganalisis maksud tuturan direktif, yang ada dalam novel Krimuning Dewi Ontang-Anting. Teori yang digunakan sebagai landasan dalam penelitian ini lebih menekankan pada teori tindak tutur ilokusi direktif oleh Kreidler. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data penelitian berupa tuturan direktif yang ditemukan dari sumber data novel KDOA. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode simak dengan teknik SBLC dan catat. Terdapat empat langkah yang dilakukan peneliti untuk menganalisis data, yaitu identifikasi, klasifikasi, reduksi, dan deskripsi. Analisis keabsahan data menggunakan teknik trianggulasi dan kecukupan referensial. Hasil penelitian terhadap novel KDOA menemukan 3 wujud verba dasar tindak direktif, yaitu memerintah, meminta, dan menyarankan. Verba dasar meminta kemudian memiliki klasifikasinya lagi yang berhasil ditemukan dalam novel KDOA, yaitu meminta, memesan, melarang, menanya, dan mengancam. Tuturan direktif memerintah yang berhasil ditemukan dalam novel KDOA berjumlah 48 tuturan, yang ditampilkan pada 32 nomor data. Tuturan direktif meminta berjumlah 271 tuturan, yang ditampilkan pada 133 nomor data. Perincian dari tuturan direktif meminta, yaitu: (1) tindak meminta terdapat 31 tuturan, (2) tindak memesan terdapat 6 tuturan, (3) tindak melarang terdapat 25 tuturan, (4) tindak menanya terdapat 207 tuturan, dan (5) tindak mengancam terdapat 2 tuturan. Terakhir, dalam novel KDOA ditemukan 3 tuturan yang mewujudkan tindak direktif menyarankan.
Kata kunci: Tindak tutur direktif, klasifikasi, maksud tuturan.
This research was conducted to: (1) find the form of directive illocutionary speech acts, and (2) analyze the intended meaning of directive speech, which is in the novel Krimuning Dewi Ontang-Anting. The theory used as the basis for this study emphasizes Kreidler's theory of directive illocutionary speech acts. This research is a type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research data is in the form of directive utterances found from the KDOA novel data source. Data was collected using the observation method with the SBLC technique and notes. There are four steps taken by researchers to analyze the data, namely identification, classification, reduction, and description. Analysis of the validity of the data using triangulation and referential adequacy techniques. The results of research on the KDOA novel found 3 basic forms of directive action verbs, namely command, request, and suggestions. The basic verb of request then has its classification which is found in the KDOA novel, namely request, ordering, forbidding, asking, and threatening. The directive commanding utterances that were found in the KDOA novel totaled 48 utterances, which were displayed in 32 data numbers. The directive utterances request a total of 271 utterances, which are displayed in 133 data numbers. The details of directive requests are: (1) the act of request has 31 utterances, (2) the act of ordering has 6 utterances, (3) the act of forbidding has 25 utterances, (4) the act of asking has 207 utterances, and (5) the act of threatening there are 2 utterances. Lastly, in the KDOA novel, there are 3 utterances that embody the directive act of suggesting.
Key words: Directive speech acts, classification, intended meaning.