Gejolak kasus-kasus bullying fisik anak/remaja usia pelajar yang sering beredar di berita media informasi, yang berdampak gangguan psikologi serta gangguan kesehatan fisik. Sebagaimana dampak bullying fisik tersebut juga pernah dirasakan penulis pada masa jadi pelajar sekolah, hingga merasa frustasi dengan apa yang menjadi motif pemicu pelaku melakukan bully fisik tersebut kepada penulis. Maka dari adanya kasus-kasus perlakuan bullying fisik yang terus mencuat di berita media-media informasi, penulis sebagai pelaku seni tergerak untuk menciptakan karya seni lukis dengan merepresentasikan motif pelaku bullying yang berfokus pada perlakuan bullying fisik. Penciptaan ini bertujuan untuk ekspresi kefrustasian diri pada perlakuan bullying fisik dan mevisualkan pemaknaan mengenai motif pelaku bullying fisik di usia pelajar. Penciptaan ini mengacu pada kasus-kasus bullying fisik di media informasi tentang motif pelaku. Karya berwujud seni lukis bermedia cat acrylic diatas kanvas dan mixed media kayu alfabet. Teknik penciptaan dibuat dengan teknik impasto dan teknik opaque, begitu pula gaya yang ditampilkan mengunakan gaya pop surealis sebagai subject matter dan abstrak ekspresionis sebagai background. Perwujudan karya ini berjumlah 4 buah karya, 3 karya dengan ukuran 180 cm x 150 cm dan 1 karya 2 panel ukuran 100 cm x 100 cm. Pada karya pertama merepresentasikan tentang pelaku bullying fisik dengan motif emosional balas dendam, karya kedua merepresentasikan tentang pelaku bullying fisik dengan motif reflek kebiasaan iseng kelompok sebaya, karya ketiga merepresentasikan tentang pelaku bullying fisik dengan motif ikut jejak teman pembully, dan yang ke empat merepresentasikan tentang pelaku bullying fisik dengan motif kecemburuan pendapatan lawan jenis.
Kata Kunci : motif pelaku bullying fisik, cipta seni lukis, representasi visual
The turmoil of cases of physical bullying of students who often circulate in the news media information, which impacts psychological disorders and physical health disorders. As the impact of physical bullying has also been felt by the author during his time as a school student, to feel frustrated with what is the motive of triggering the perpetrator to do the physical bully to the author. Therefore, from the cases of physical bullying treatment that continue to emerge in the news media information, the author as an art actors moved to create a painting by representing the motives of the perpetrators of bullying that focuses on the treatment of physical bullying. This creation aims to express self-permutation in the treatment of physical bullying and visualize the meaning of the motives of perpetrators of physical bullying in the age of students. This creation refers to cases of physical bullying in the media information about the motives of the perpetrators. Works in the form of acrylic paint media painting on canvas and mixed media wood alphabet. Creation techniques are made with impasto techniques and opaque techniques, as well as styles displayed using surreal pop styles as subject matter and expressionist abstracts as backgrounds. The embodiment of this work amounts to 4 works, 3 works with a size of 180 cm x 150 cm and 1 work of 2 panels size of 100 cm x 100 cm. In the first work represents the perpetrators of physical bullying with emotional motives of revenge, the second work represents the perpetrators of physical bullying with the motive of reflexes of the habit of pranksters of the peer group, the third work represents the perpetrators of physical bullying with the motive of following in the footsteps of bullyfriends,and the fourth represents the perpetrators of physical bullying with the motive of jealousy of the income of the opposite sex.
Keywords : of perpetrators of physical bullying, copyright painting, visual representation