Name :
Devy Trirachmawati
Student Number :
Major :
S1 Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran
Departement :
Pendidikan Ekonomi
Faculty :
Institution :
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Adviser :
Prof. Dr. Bambang Suratman, M.Pd
This research aims to (1) find out whether there is an influence of experience of
industrial work practices on class XI OTKP work readiness in SMK Negeri 1
Jombang, (2)) whether there is an influence of work interest on job readiness
of XI OTKP class students in SMK Negeri 1 Jombang, (3) find out whether there
is an influence of experience in industrial work practices and work interest in
job readiness of students of class XI OTKP at SMK Negeri 1 Jombang.
This study uses causal associative research with a
quantitative approach. The subject used was grade XI OTKP students in SMK
Negeri 1 Jombang. The number of samples of this study were 58 students and the
research instrument trials were conducted on 20 students. Data collection
techniques using questionnaires, documentation and to test the prerequisites
dataused in this study were normality
test, multicollinearity test and heteroscedasticity test with hypothesis
testing of multiple linear analysis, t test and f test.
The results of this study indicate that (1)
there is a positive and significant influence of industry work practices on
work readiness. So that more experience gained during pakerin, can improve work
readiness of students of class XI OTKP at SMK Negeri 1 Jombang, (2) There is a
positive and significant influence of work interest on work readiness. So the
higher work interest in students, it can increase self-confidence for the work
preparation of students of class XI OTKP at SMK Negeri 1 Jombang, (3) There is
a positive and significant influence on the simultaneous experience of
industrial work practices and work interest in student work readiness. So that
more and more industrial work experience gained high work experience and
interest, it can increase work readiness of students of class XI OTKP at SMK
Negeri 1 Jombang.
Keywords : Internship Experience, Work Interest, Work Readiness