Teknologi membuat informasi dengan mudah tersebar dengan cepat, namun, seiring dengan mudahnya persebaran informasi tersebut, siapapun dapat menyebarkan informasi maupun berita yang tidak benar atau hoax. Tingginya angka berita hoax dibuktikan dengan survey yang dilakukan Mastel tahun 2019 pada 941 responden, 14,7% responden melihat berita hoax lebih dari satu kali perhari sedangkan 34,6% responden melihat berita hoax setiap hari. Dari semua media yang ada, social media adalah salah satu media yang sering digunakan untuk menyebarkan berita hoax, sedangkan, pengguna social media sendiri pada umumnya didominasi oleh remaja. Itulah kenapa, kewaspadaan remaja perlu ditingkatkan agar remaja tidak mudah mempercayai berita yang tersebar. Peneliti menggunakan metode 5w1h untuk melakukan investigasi dan penelitian terhadap masalah, sedangkan teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah wawancara, kuisioner, post test dan pre test. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan beberapa media yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan remaja, salah satunya adalah board game. Sebuah board game berjudul “hoax or true” dirancang dengan mekanik deck building, memorizing, hand management dan player elimination. Board game ini menggunakan metode game based learning dengan materi pembelajaran ciri-ciri berita hoax. Setelah hasil post test dan pre test di komparasikan, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa board game "hoax or true" dapat dinilai dapat memberikan edukasi ciri-ciri berita hoax, serta dapat membantu meningkatkan kewaspadaan remaja.
Kata kunci: hoax, edukasi, board game, game based learning
Technology makes the spread of information become easier, but, along with how easy information can be spread, there is also a possibility that anyone can spread incorrect information or hoax. The high rate on the spread of hoax was proven by a survey that was conducted by Mastel on 2019 on 941 respondent. 14,7% of the respondent stated that they saw hoax news more than once per day, while 34.6% of the respondent stated that they saw hoax news every day. From all of the medias that were available, social media is one of the media that was commonly used to spread hoax news while most of the social media users were dominated by teenagers. That is why, it is important to try to increase the awareness of the teenagers so they can not be easily manipulated by news that were spread among them. Researcher decided to use 5W1H as a method to researching and investigating the problem, while the technique that were used are interview, questionaire, post test, and pre test. From the research, the researcher found several medias that can be used to increase the awareness of the teenagers, one of the media is board game. Researchers designed a board game titled “hoax or true” by using game mechanics such as deck building, memorizing, hand management, and player elimination. This board game used game based learning method with the signs of hoax as the main topic. After the comparation of both post-test and pre-test, a conclusion can be made that board game “Hoax or True” can be proven in educating the signs of hoax and helping to increase the awareness of teenagers toward hoax news.
Keywords: Hoax, education, board game, game based learning