Harahap, Muh.
Burhanudin. 2022. Human Resource Development (HRD) to Improving the Performance of Educators at Muhammadiyah
1 Jember Elementary School and Al Baitul Amien 1 Jember Elementary School.
Disssertaion. Education Management Study Program Postgraduate Program. State
University of Surabaya. Promoter : Prof. Dr. Maria Veronika Roesminingsih, M.Pd.
dan Co Promoter Dr. Mudjito Ak., M.Si.
Keywords: Human
resource development, Performance, teacher
This study aims to
analyze and describe: (1) the concept of HRD in improving the performance of
educators, (2) the implementation of HRD in improving the performance of
educators, (3) the implications of HRD in improving the performance of
educators At Muhammadiyah 1 Jember Elementary School and Al Baitul Amien 1
Jember Elementary School.
This study uses a
qualitative approach white a multi-site study design at two research sites, The
data collection technique is to collect information to obtain an overview of
human resource development that can be used as a guide in managing human
resource for educators for educational institutions, especially in Muhammadiyah
1 Jember Elementary School and Al Baitul Amien 1 Jember Elementary School.
The result of the
study show (1) the concept of HRD in improving the performance of educators,
namelly: learning, growth, performance, effectiveness, and innovation; (2) the
impementation of HRD in improving the performance of educators, namely, further
study: equalization /linierization of education; comparative study; teacher
internship; skills knowledge development and attitude development wich includes;
guidance and counseling, training, structured exercises, demonstrations,
courses, whorkshop, seminars, spiritual attitude development; delegations of
taks; job rotation (3) the implication of HRD in improving the performance of
educators are twofold: the first is the implication for the teaching staff themselves
is ti increase personality, pedagogic,social, profesional competencies;
increased knowladge and skills. The two implications for school are increasing
school achievement and quality; incresing public trust in school.
This research is to
confirm theories abaut the development of human resources in companies that
have existed before, so that the novelty of this research is the development of
human resources (HRD) in the field of education, especially the development of human resources (HRD) for
educators in Elementary School with Islamic reigious background