Day Art Batik adalah salah satu produsen batik khas Probolinggo dari 25 produsen yang berada di kawasan Kota Probolinggo. Mulai berdiri dan terdaftar sebagai IKM di Kota Probolinggo sejak Tahun 2012. Day Art Batik hanya memproduksi batik tulis serta menyediakan beberapa jenis bordir. Didirikan oleh Bapak Made Malvinas dan dikelola bersama istrinya Ibu Friday Purnamasari. Produk batik tersebut bisa dijadikan busana fashion dan seragam dalam berbagai keperluan, seperti gaun batik, baju couple , seragam perkantoran, seragam sekolah, dan masih banyak lagi. Memiliki kualitas desain batik yang berkualitas . Day Art Batik belum terkenal luas di masyarakat, terutama masyarakat sekitar Probolinggo. Sehingga Day Art Batik perlu dibuatkan rancangan media promosi yang bisa menjelaskan tentang Day Art Batik yang bisa dipergunakan untuk promosi biasa maupun di iklankan.
Berdasarkan latar belakang yang ada, dapat diketahui rumusan masalahnya, yaitu: (1) Bagaimana konsep perancangan media periklanan untuk usaha Day Art Batik yang dimiliki Pak Made?; (2) Bagaimana rancangan desain grafis periklanan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan usaha Day Art Batik?; (3) Bagaimana penerapan hasil desain grafis periklanan usaha Day Art Batik?.
Tahap awal dilakukan survei ke lokasi penelitian di rumah memproduksi Day Art Batik. Tahap kedua pengelola Day Art Batik menjadi narasumber penelitian. Dalam hal ini teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data untuk mengetahui SWOT dan USP.
Hasil perancangan desain berupa video animasi ilustrasi, video profil, brosur, dan x banner dengan tema warna kebaruan. Proses perancangan meliputi pembuatan thumnail kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses tightissue menggunakan software Adobe Ilustrator CC2015, Aadobe Photosop CS6, Adobe After Effect CC2015, Adobe Premiere Pro CC2015. Validasi dilakukan setelah pembuatan media selesai, untuk mengetahui kelayakan media perancangan tersebut. Hasil perancangan desain diharapkan berupa media yang komunikatif, kreatif, efektif dalam mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan Day Art Batik.
Kata Kunci: Perancangan, Desain, Grafis, Batik, Probolinggo
Day Art Batik is one of the produsen Batik of Probolinggo’s uniqe. Which is from 25 producers in the city of Probolinggo. Established and registered since 2012 as IKM in the City of Probolinggo. Day Art Batik is only produces written batik and provides several types of embroidery. It is Made by Mr. Made Malvinas and managed together with his wife Mrs. Fiday Purnamasari until this day. Batik is produced in the form of cloth with a length of 2.50 meters and a width of 1.15 meters. Batik cloth can be used as fashion clothes and uniforms in every necessity. Such as batik dresses, couple clothes, office uniforms, school uniforms, and etc. Day Art Batik is not commonly known in the society, especially the people around Probolinggo. So that Batik Art Day needs to be made a promotional media design that can explain about Batik Day Art which can be used for ordinary promotions or advertised. Therefore Day Art Batik needs promotional media design that can explain about Day Art Batik which can be used for ordinary promotions or advertised.
Based on the background, the problem can be identified: (1) What is the concept of designing advertising media for Mr. Made’s Day Art Batik?; (2) What is the design of advertising graphic design which is suitable with the business needs of Batik Day Art?; (3) How is the implementation of the results of graphic design in the Day Art Batik’s business?.
In the first stage is survey to location in the production house of Day Art Batik. The Second stage, the managers of Day Batik Art became the research sources. In this case, the data collection used by interview, observation, and documentation. The techniques of data analysis is to determine SWOT and USP.
The media creation is complete, it is to determine the feasibility of the media design. The results of the design are expected to be communicative, creative, and effective media in achieving the desired goals of Day Art Batik. The results of the design are in the form of animated video illustrations, profile videos, brochures, and x banners with novelty color themes. The design process includes creating a thesis ail and then proceed with the tight issue process using Adobe Illustrator CC2015 software, Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe After Effect CC2015, Adobe Premiere Pro CC2015. Doing the Validation after
Keywords: Designing, Design, Graphic, Batik, Probolinggo