Padusan hot
spring tourism object is one of the mainstay tourist objects owned by Mojokerto
Regency. Padusan hot spring tourism area is located in Padusan village, Sub
District of Pacet, Mojokerto Regency. One of the main attractions of this
tourist attraction is its hot water which contains sulfur (sulfur) which comes
from Mount Welirang. With the increase in the number of tourist visits each
year in the Padusan hot spring tourism object, it can reduce visitor comfort,
so it is necessary to limit the number of visitors if it exceeds the threshold
(over capacity). This study aims to determine the level of attractiveness of
tourist attractions in Padusan hot springs and to find out the carrying
capacity of the Padusan hot spring pool area.
This type of
research is a survey research which will later be analyzed using quantitative
descriptive methods. The sample in this study used accidental random sampling,
namely 30 tourists in each category of tourist attractions and 125 tourists who
were visiting the Padusan hot spring pool. The variables used in this study are
the attraction of the Padusan Hot Spring and the carrying capacity of the
Padusan hot spring pool. The data collection techniques used in this study were
observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The analysis
technique used in this research is Likert scale data analysis and carrying
capacity analysis.
The results of the research on the level of
attractiveness of tourist attractions in Padusan hot water attractions show
that swimming tourism attractions that get the highest total score with a total
score of 1464, in other words, swimming tourism attractions are more attractive
for tourists to visit. And vice versa, equestrian tourism attractions get the
lowest total score with a total score of 1301, This means that horse riding
attractions in Padusan hot springs are less attractive to tourists. And the
research results from carrying capacity show that based on the calculation of
the capacity of the existing tourist capacity for the Padusan hot spring pool area
with a limit on the number of visitors in the Padusan hot spring pool is 33
people, with an area provided by the manager is 28.3 m2, thus each
person has an area of 0.8 m2 to stay physically comfortable in traveling with
the aim of soaking in the Padusan hot spring pool.
Keywords : Tourist Attractions, Carrying Capacity, Padusan
Hot Spring Tourism Object.