This research
was conducted to determine the marketing strategy of private schools in facing
the new policies of the Surabaya City Service in Admission of New Junior High
School Students. Various internal and external factors also influence the
running of the marketing strategy being implemented. This study focuses on: a)
marketing strategies including school programs, strategy and gold mix (product,
price, location, promotion of human resources, sarpras and service management),
b) internal factors including school strength, school weaknesses and
organizational structure, c) factors external includes school opportunities,
school threats and political technology, culture. The method used is
qualitative research, because it aims to obtain in-depth data and information
so that the aim of knowing the implementation process of integrated quality
assurance in the curriculum can be achieved. This study used a case study type.
Research using this type of case study will reveal the existing phenomena by
collecting and using as much data as possible about the thing under study.
Researchers use this type of case study because they want to investigate and
uncover cases effectively and then present them systematically.
The subjects
in this study are the principal as a stakeholder who determines the marketing
strategy in schools, the vice principal, especially in the field of public
relations who knows the relationship between the institution and the wider
community, teachers as learning actors, guardians of students as consumers of
service users. . This research was conducted in the odd semester of the
2019-2020 school year. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews,
and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this study was an interactive
analysis model consisting of three components, namely data condensation, data
triangulation, data presentation and conclusion drawing.
The results
showed, first, the marketing strategy carried out at Labschool Unesa Junior
High School and Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Surabaya Junior High School is in
accordance with the vision and mission of the school. The marketing strategies
in these two schools also take advantage of the big names of the institutions
they have and the increasingly advanced information technology. Second,
internal factors in the marketing strategy at Labschool Unesa Junior High
School and Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Surabaya Junior High School include the
condition or state of strength and weakness as well as the existing
organizational structure. Third, external factors in the marketing strategy at
both schools include opportunities and threats as well as the socio-economic
conditions of the community.