Muhammad Wahyono, 2020 .
"The Effect of Single Punch Ladder Drill Exercise Model, 1 Foot In Each,
Double Punch, 2 Feet In Each, 1 Lateral Push Up Lateral, 1 In Lateral, 2
Lateral Push Up Lateral, 2 In Lateral Against Agility, Speed , Arm Muscle
Strength, Leg Muscle Strength, Arm Muscle Power and Leg Muscle Power ".
Dissertation of Postgraduate Sports Science Study Program, Surabaya State
University. Promoter Prof. Dr. Hari Setijono, M.Pd. Co Promoter Dr. Oce
Wiriawan, M. Kes.
Key words: Ladder Drill, Agility,
Speed, Strength, Power
This study aims to examine and analyze the
magnitude of increase in agility, speed, strength, lower extremity power, on
students due to the influence of the upper extremity and lower extremity ladder
drill exercises.
This type of research
is quasi-experimental, with a quantitative approach. Data were collected by
measuring techniques using Side step to measure agility, speed using 30 meters
running, arm strength, push up leg muscle strength using back and leg
dynamometer, arm muscle power using medicine ball and leg muscle power using
Force Plate. Data were analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and MANOVA
(Multivariate Analysis of Variance) techniques, using α 0.05.
results of the study concluded that the treatment of an increase in agility
variables where group 1 had an increase of 16%, group 2 by 9%, group 3 by 17%
and group 4 by 13%. In the variable speed group 1 has an increase of 5%, group
2 by 4%, group 3 by 4% and group 4 by 4%. In the arm variable power group 1 has
an increase of 7%, group 2 by 7%, group 3 by 10% and group 4 by 6%. In the arm
strength variable group 1 had an increase of 33%, group 2 by 9%, group 3 by 14%
and group 4 by 8%. In the leg power variable group 1 had an increase of 3%,
group 2 by 4%, group 3 by 2% and group 4 by 1%. Whereas in the leg strength
variable group 1 had an increase of 10%, group 2 by 11%, group 3 by 16% and
group 4 by 8%.
Researchers suggest further research needs to be done on the effects of
different training methods for example ladder drill by selecting other training
methods such as circuit training. Furthermore, to develop physiologically
aspects can be developed through ladder drill research on someone who needs
rehabilitation after injury or during injury.