The Development of E-book Based on STEM Material Bacteria to Train Science Literation Abilities
Kurikulum 2013 menekankan pembelajaran yang menerapkan pendekatan saintifik yang mampu menyeimbangkan kompetensi pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan. Kemampuan literasi sains yang dimiliki peserta didik masih tergolong rendah, hal tersebut dapat dilatihkan melalui sumber belajar dan cara pengajaran yang tepat. Kemajuan teknologi dapat menyediakan buku ajar elektronik yaitu e-book dengan berbagai fitur yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar, terlebih saat pandemi COVID-19 dengan menggunakan sistem PJJ (pembelajaran jarak jauh). Kemampuan literasi sains dapat dilatihkan melalui pembelajaran berbasis STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). Pada pendekatan STEM terdapat langkah-langkah yang mencerminkan kompetensi literasi sains. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan E-book berbasis STEM materi bakteri untuk melatihkan kemampuan literasi sains dan menguraikan kelayakan teoritis dan empiris dari E-book yang dikembangkan. Pengembangan E-book dilakukan dengan model 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate), tetapi tidak menggunakan tahapan disseminate. E-book diuji cobakan terbatas, yaitu pada peserta didik kelas X IPA di SMA Negeri 1 Waru yang berjumlah sepuluh orang. Kelayakan teoritis didapatkan dari hasil validasi dosen ahli materi dan guru biologi SMA dengan menggunakan instrumen validasi. Kelayakan empiris atau kepraktisan diperoleh dari hasil analisis respon peserta didik yang dilihat melalui angket respon peserta didik. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu, pada kelayakan teoritis E-book mendapat skor validasi 89% yang menunjukkan sangat valid. Kelayakan empiris E-book mendapatkan skor 94,35% dengan kategori sangat praktis. Disimpulkan bahwa E-book yang dikembangkan telah layak secara teoritis dan empiris, dapat melatihkan kemampuan literasi sains bagi peserta didik.
The 2013 curriculum emphasizes learning that applies a scientific approach that is able to balance the competencies of attitudes, knowledge, and skills. The scientific literacy skills of students are still low, it can be trained through learning resources and appropriate teaching methods. Advances in technology can provide electronic textbooks, that is e-books with various features that can increase learning motivation, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic by using the PJJ (distance learning) system. Science literacy skills can be trained through the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) approach. In the STEM approach, there are steps that reflect scientific literacy competencies. This study purpose to produce an E-book based on STEM on bacterial material to train scientific literacy skills and to describe the theoretical and empirical feasibility of the E-book being developed. E-book development uses the 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate), but without a disseminate stage. The e-book was tried on a limited basis, ten students of class X Science at SMAN 1 Waru. The theoretical feasibility was obtained from the validation results of material expert lecturers and high school biology teachers using validation instruments. Empirical feasibility or practicality is obtained from the analysis of students responses as seen through student response questionnaires. The results obtained are, the theoretical feasibility of the E-book gets a validation score of 89% which indicates very valid. The empirical feasibility of the E-book gets a score of 94.35% in the very practical category. It was concluded that the developed E-book was theoretically and empirically feasible, it can train scientific literacy skills for students.