Impeller merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dari pompa sentrifugal yang dapat mempengaruhi performa pompa. Hal yang perlu dilihat dari performa pompa adalah nilai efisiensi, NPSH, Head dan kebisingan dari pompa. Variasi riblet dengaan menambahkan fin pada sudu impeler dapat meningkatkan performa pompa, untuk mengetahui tingkat evisiensi performa pompa sentrifuggal perlu dilakukan variasi kecepatan motor dan temperatur air. Tujuan dari penelitian performa pompa sentrifugal agar dapat menganalisis pengaruh penambahan jumlah fin, variasi kecepatan dan temperaur terhadap performa pompa sentrifugal.
Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah variasi penambahan jumlah fin pada impeller, variasi kecepatan dan variasi temparetur air. Dalam variasi pebambahan fin menggunakan impeller jumlah sudu 8 tanpa fin, variasi 1 fin, variasi 2 fin dan variasi 3 fin dengan ukuran riblet fin yaitu, lebar fin (w) = 2 mm, jarak antar fin (s) = 3,4 mm, tinggi fin (h) = 2 mm. Variasi kecepatan putar motor yaitu 1500, 2200 dan 2800 rpm sedangkan variasi temperatur air 30°C dan 70°C.
Impeller is one of the most important parts of a centrifugal pump which can affect pump performance. The thing that needs to be seen from the performance of the pump is its value of efficiency, NPSH, Head and noise from the pump. Riblet variations by adding fins to the impeller blade can improve pump performance, To find out the efficiency level of centrifugal pump performance, it is necessary to do variations in motor speed and water temperature. The purpose of the performance research of centrifugal pumps is to be able to analyze the effect of increasing the number of fins, variations in speed and temperature for centrifugal pump performance.
The independent variable in this study is the variation in the number of fins added to the impeller, variations in speed and variations in water temperature. In addition to fin variations, the impeller uses 8 blades without fins, 1 fin variation, 2 fin variations and 3 fin variations with fin size ie, fin width (w) = 2 mm, distance between fin = 3.4 mm, fin height (h) = 2 mm. Motor rotation speed variations are 1500, 2200 and 2800 rpm while water temperature variations 30 °C and 70 °C.
In this study the addition of variations in the number of fin on the impeller blade has a positive impact on capacity, head, NPH and also pump efficiency. For impellers with the addition of 3 fin variations, the capacity value is 65 lpm, with a 17 m head value obtained at 2800 rpm motor rotation, while the highest NPH value of 13.5 m was obtained at 1500 rpm, at 30 °C, for the highest efficiency pump value, 54% at 2800 rpm, at 30 °C.
Keywords: centrifugal pump, riblet, NPSH, efficiency.