Pengaruh Penambahan Daun Kelor (Moringa Oliefera) dan Lama Pengeringan Terhadap Sifat Organoleptik Sup Krim INstan
The Effect of Moringa Oleifera (Moringa Oleifera) Leaf Addition and Drying Time on the Organoleptic Properties of Instant Cream Soup
Sup krim instan merupakan sup yang berbahan dasar kaldu dari protein hewani dan diperkaya dengan cream, yang mengalami proses pengeringan kemudian dijadikan serbuk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) pengaruh interaksi penambahan daun kelor dan lama pengeringan terhadap sifat organoleptic sup krim instan serbuk (warna,tekstur) sup krim instan rehidrasi (warna, aroma, rasa, kekentalan) dan tingkat kesukaan 2) mengetahui jumlah kandungan gizi pada produk terbaik dari hasil uji organoleptik krim sup instan. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan metode ekperimen dengan faktorial 3x2 yang terdiri dari faktor 1 yaitu jumlah penambahan daun kelor (3%, 5%, 7%) dan faktor 2 yaitu lama pengeringan (14 jam , 16 jam). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi berupa uji organoleptic yang dilakukan oleh panelis terlatih 10 orang dan penelis semi terlatih 20 orang. Analis data menggunakan anava ganda (two way anova) dan uji lanjut Duncan.Produk terbaik selanjutnya dilakukanuji kandungan gizi dilakukan di Balai Penelitian dan Konsultasi Industri Surabaya untuk mengetahui kandungan gizi (energi, protein, lemak, vitamin A,) kadar air. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa : 1) interaksi antara penambahan daun kelor dan lama pengeringan berpengaruh nyata terhadap sifat organoleptic (warna, rasa, kekentalan,) sup krim instan bubuk dan rehidrasi, 2) produk sup krim instan yang terbaik adalah sup krim instan dengan penambahan daun kelor sebanyak 7% dan lama pengeringan 16jam. Berdasarkan hasil uji zat gizi per 100 gram adalah :energi 61,50kal , protein 6,81%, lemak 3,01g, vitamin A 91,33mg,) kadar air 91,88%.
Instant cream soup is a soup made from broth from animal protein and enriched with cream, which undergoes a drying process and then becomes a powder. This study aims to determine: 1) the interaction effect of adding Moringa leaves and drying time on the organoleptic properties of instant powdered cream soup (color, texture) of instant rehydration cream soup (color, aroma, taste, thickness) and preference level 2) determine the amount of nutritional content on the best product from the organoleptic test results of instant soup cream.
This type of research is an experimental method with a 3x2 factorial consisting of a factor of 1, namely the addition of Moringa leaves (3%, 5%, 7%) and factor 2, namely drying time (14 hours, 16 hours). Data collection was carried out by means of observation in the form of organoleptic tests conducted by 10 trained panelists and 20 semi-trained researchers. The data analysis used a double ANOVA (two way ANOVA) and Duncan's continued test. The best product was then tested for nutritional content in Balai Penelitian dan Konsultasi Industri Surabaya to determine the nutritional content (energy, protein, fat, vitamin A,) water content.
The results showed that: 1) the interaction between adding Moringa leaves and drying time had a significant effect on the organoleptic properties (color, taste, thickness,) of instant powder and rehydration cream soup, 2) the best instant cream soup product was instant cream soup with the addition of leaves Moringa as much as 7% and the drying time is 16 hours. Based on the test results of nutrients per 100 grams are: energy 61.50cal, protein 6.81%, fat 3.01g, vitamin A 91.33 mg,) 91.88% water content.