Patlasari, Mira. (2023). Exploring Pre-Service Teacher’s Thinking of
Professional Identity Using Metaphors: Implication for Education
Curricula, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Advisors: Dra. Pratiwi
Retnaningdyah, M.Hum., M.A., Ph.D. and Prof. Slamet Setiawan,
M.A., Ph.D.
Kata kunci: Pre-service teacher, professional identity, metaphor, education
Latar Belakang: Meskipun pengembangan identitas profesional merupakan
konsep penting dalam pendidikan, prosesnya belum diteliti dengan baik dari sudut
pandang siswa. Tujuan: Kajian ini mengkaji gambaran metafora yang dirumuskan
oleh guru prajabatan kelas satu di Indonesia untuk menggambarkan guru dalam
konteks pembentukan identitas profesional, beserta keterbatasannya. Metode:
Peserta (N240) menyelesaikan kalimat: Seorang guru seperti _____ karena _____
menunjukkan konseptualisasi mereka tentang guru. Data dianalisis secara
kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil: Secara keseluruhan, 109 gambar metaforis yang
diartikulasikan dengan baik diidentifikasi terdiri dari delapan tema konseptual.
Kesimpulan: Sementara tunduk pada beberapa keterbatasan, penggunaan metafora
untuk merumuskan dan menggambarkan identitas profesional dapat membantu
dalam mencerminkan keyakinan pribadi dan nilai-nilai mahasiswa untuk sekolah
pendidikan, serta memberikan beberapa bimbingan dan umpan balik untuk upaya
pengembangan kurikulum.
Key words: Pre-service teacher, professional identity, metaphor, education
Background: Although professional identity development is a crucial idea
in education, little research has been done on the procedure from the viewpoint of
students. The purpose of this study is to investigate the limitations of the
metaphorical representations of teachers developed by Indonesian first-grade pre-
service teachers in the context of developing a professional identity. Method:
Participants (N240) indicated their conceptualizations of teachers by filling in the
following sentence: A teacher is like _____ because _____. Both qualitative and
quantitative analyses of the data were done. Results: Eight conceptual themes
were comprised of 109 well-articulated metaphorical pictures. Conclusions:
Despite some restrictions, the use of metaphors in the formulation and description
of professional identities can be beneficial in expressing the values and beliefs of
matriculants to schools of education as well as offering some direction and
comments on efforts to establish curricula.