Profil Miskonsepsi Siswa pada Materi Protista Menggunakan Four Tier Test
The Profile Of Students’ Misconceptions on Protist Material Used a Four Tier Test
Misconceptions are students' ideas or views about concepts that are different from scientific concepts, and these understandings are difficult to change. Misconceptions can occur in protist material. Misconceptions must be detected early using diagnostic tests for them to be reduced. The diagnostic test that can be used is the four-tier test. The four tier test provides complete information so that it is considered the most accurate in detecting misconceptions. The purpose of this study was to describe the profile of students' misconceptions on protist material using four tier test diagnostic test instrument and to describe the causes of students' misconceptions on protist material. This research is a descriptive type of research which is a data collection activity used to describe the profile of students' misconceptions on protist material. The research targets were 64 X MIPA students consisting of 31 X MIPA 4 students and 33 X MIPA 5 students at State Senior High School 1 Gondang. The research instrument consisted of 20 Four Tier Protist Test items, an interview instrument, and a theoretical validation review sheet. The results showed that the average student misconception on protist material was 32.44%. The lowest percentage of misconceptions is the indicator identifying how to reproduce Amoeba by 15.6%. The highest percentage of misconception is the indicator grouping fungal-like protists into classes based on cell structure and reproduction by 54.7%. The low level of protist misconceptions dominated the misconceptions in protists by 48,44% of students. The causes of students’ misconceptions are from the students themselves, the teacher's way of teaching, and learning resources.
Key words: misconception profile, four tier test, protists