In the era of the revolution 4.0 education played a
very important role in achieving development goals, it is necessary to increase
the quality and competitiveness of human resources according to Presidential
Instruction No. 9 of 2016 related to Vocational School Revitalization, one of
the programs of SMK revitalization is a link and match program with the
business / industry world. The purpose of this study was to determine the
results of link and match learning by reviewing the achievement of students in
the cognitive, psychomotor and affective aspects of light vehicle engine
maintenance subjects and knowing inhibiting and supporting factors. This type
of research is descriptive research through quantitative and qualitative
approaches. The data collection technique used questionnaires, interviews,
observations and tests. The results of the research on the suitability of the
implementation of the link and match learning program with the business /
industry world reviewing how much student achievement in cognitive, psychomotor
and affective aspects of light vehicle engine maintenance subjects obtained
results from classical completeness of cognitive aspects of 81%, psychomotor
aspects of 88% and the mean of aspects affective gained 86%. The supporting and
inhibiting factors for the implementation of link and match learning program
are supporting factors, including the suitability of the material and
curriculum, the suitability of the implementation of industrial visits, the
competence of the teacher, the suitability of class standardization, the
competence of attitudes, the knowledge and skills of teachers, the application
of learning, the competence of knowledge of students. In relation to machines
and competence attitudes of students, the inhibiting factors include the use of
learning media that is not optimal, limited tools, materials and practice
objects, students do not fully understand the competence of knowledge and
skills, teachers have not fully mastered the competence of knowledge and skills
and participants students do not fully understand the practicum material about
Keywords: Learning Evaluation, Link and Match,
Success Factors