Ervin Nuriana, 2019. Pengembangan Buku Penciptaan Tari Anak untuk Guru PAUD, Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Budaya, Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri surabaya, Pembimbing (1) Prof. Dr. Setya Yuwana, M.A, Pembimbing (2) Dr. Warih Handayaningrum, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci : Penciptaan, Tari anak, Guru PAUD
Guru merupakan ujung tombak proses pembelajaran, maka dari itu guru harus memiliki kemampuan khusus dalam menciptakan suasana kelas yang nyaman dan menyenangkan. Selain itu, guru dituntut mampu dalam berinovasi pada penyampaian materi, serta mampu dalam mengembangkan berbagai metode dan model pembelajaran, sehingga kemampuan pada peserta didik dapat berkembang dengan optimal. Pentingnya seni tari dalam proses pembelajaran menuntut guru untuk menjadi lebih aktif dan kreatif dalam mengembangkan kemampuannya pada pengetahuan tari dan praktek menari. Selain itu, guru harus memiliki beberapa materi pembelajaran tari yang sesuai dengan tingkat anak usia dini. Kebutuhan tari sebagai materi menuntut guru untuk mampu dalam menciptakan tari supaya kebutuhan psikomotorik melalui seni tari dapat terpenuhi. Penelitian pengembangan ini membahas tentang : Permasalahan yang dialami guru PAUD mengenai pemahaman seni tari anak, dan memberi pemecahan masalah dengan memberikan pengetahuan dasar mengenai penciptaan tari anak yang efektif, praktis, dan efisien serta mudah dipahami. Mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan, menjelaskan kualitas produk melalui kevalidan isi, bahasa, dan desain. Serta, mendeskripsikan keefektifan buku melalui respon guru dan tingkat ketercapaian dalam membuat tari anak.
Pendekatan penelitian penciptaan tari anak ini menggunakan Research and Development dengan model pengembangan Four D yang dituangkan melalui buku yang berjudul Penciptaan Tari Anak untuk Guru PAUD. Menggunakan teori Kreativitas oleh Graham Wallas dan kajian koreografi . Teknik Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tindakan observasi, wawancara, proses validasi ahli, dan hasil uji coba penerapan pada produk. Teknik analisis data berupa data deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif berupa skor.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Proses pengembangan buku penciptaan tari anak untuk guru PAUD menggunakan pendekatan Research and Development dengan model Four D, (2) Kualitas buku penciptaan tari anak untuk guru PAUD ditentukan oleh nilai validasi materi (84%), bahasa (77%), desain (98%).(3) Keefektifan buku menunjukkan nilai efektif dengan naiknya nilai posttest (O2) skor persentase (70%) dari pada pretest (O1) skor persentase (50%). Ketercapaian guru dalam menciptakan tari setelah mengimplementasikan buku dari 8 guru menghasilkan 7 karya tari gerak dan lagu dengan persentase penilaian (80,5%) sehingga dapat dikategorikan baik. Dari paparan proses pengembangan, persentase kualitas produk, dan persenstase keefektifan produk dapat disimpulkan bahwa buku masuk dalam ketegori baik dan layak untuk digunakan.
Ervin Nuriana, 2019. Development of Children's Dance Creation Books for Early Childhood Teachers, Arts and Culture Education, Postgraduate Program, State University of Surabaya, Mentor (1) Prof. Dr. Setya Yuwana, M.A, Mentor (2) Dr. Warih Handayaningrum, M.Pd.
Keywords: Creation, Children's dance, Early Childhood Teacher
The teacher is the spearhead of the learning process, therefore the teacher must have special abilities in creating a comfortable and pleasant classroom atmosphere. In addition, teachers are required to be able to innovate in the delivery of material, and be able to develop various methods and learning models, so that the abilities of students can develop optimally. The importance of dance in the learning process requires teachers to be more active and creative in developing their skills in dance knowledge and dance practice. In addition, the teacher must have some dance learning materials that are appropriate for the level of early childhood. The need for dance as a material requires teachers to be able to create dance so that psychomotoric needs through dance can be met. This development research discusses: The problems experienced by PAUD teachers regarding the understanding of children's dance art, and provides problem solving by providing basic knowledge about the creation of children's dances that are effective, practical, efficient and easy to understand. Describe the development process, explain product quality through the validity of content, language, and design. Also, describe the effectiveness of the book through the teacher's response and the level of achievement in making children's dances.
This research approach to the creation of children's dances uses Research and Development with the Four D development model as outlined in a book entitled The Creation of Children's Dances for PAUD Teachers. Using the theory of Creativity by Graham Wallas and the study of choreography . Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation, interviews, expert validation processes, and the results of testing the application of the product. Data analysis techniques in the form of qualitative descriptive data and quantitative in the form of scores.
The results showed that: (1) The process of developing children's dance creation books for PAUD teachers used a Research and Development approach with the Four D model, (2) The quality of children's dance creation books for PAUD teachers was determined by the value of material validation (84%), language ( 77%), design (98%).(3) The effectiveness of the book shows an effective value with an increase in the post test (O2) percentage score (70%) than the pretest (O1) percentage score (50%). The teacher's achievement in creating dance after implementing the book from 8 teachers produced 7 dance moves and songs with an assessment percentage (80.5%) so that it can be categorized as good. From the description of the development process, the percentage of product quality, and the percentage of product effectiveness, it can be concluded that the book is in the good category and is suitable for use.