(Studi Kasus Pertandingan Vamos Mataram vs Bintang Timur Surabaya dan Vamos Mataram vs Permata Indah Manokwari)
(Case Study of Vamos Mataram vs Bintang Timur Surabaya and Vamos Mataram vs Permata Indah Manokwari)
Analisa Statistik Tim Vamos Mataram Tahun 2016/2017
Nama : Rizal Zuhri Pradana
NIM : 13060474079
Program Studi : S-1
Jurusan : Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga
Fakultas : Ilmu Olahraga
Universitas : Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Dosen Pembimbing : Mohammad Faruk, S.Pd.,M.Kes.
Prestasi atlet dapat diraih dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya, yaitu latihan-latihan dasar. Salah satu faktor yang perlu dikaji dalam futsal adalah dasar-dasar dari permainan futsal itu sendiri. Dasar-dasar futsal meliputi shooting, passing, ball possesion, intercept, 1on1 offense dan 1on1 defense. Penilaian dikatakan berhasil apabila pemain sukses melakukan shooting, passing, ball possesion, intercept, 1on1 offense dan 1on1 defense yang merupakan salah satu syarat keberhasilan untuk bermain futsal.
Analisis ukuran shooting, passing, ball possesion, intercept, 1on1 offense dan 1on1 defense sangat berguna pada kemampuan individu permainan futsal karena akan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat performa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi dan permainan individu dari pemain tim Vamos Mataram.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisis, dengan menggunakan metode observasi menganalisis data dengan menyajikan fakta secara sistematik. teknik pengambilan sampel adalah semua pemain yang bermain pada pertandingan tersebut.
Hasil penelitian di dapatkan dalam ukuran sukses dan tidak dalam hal melakukan shooting, passing, ball possesion, intercept, 1on1 offense dan 1on1 defense. Penelitian ini memiliki peranan penting dalam mengarung sebuah kompetisi layaknya Pro Futsal League karena akan berpengaruh terhadap performa tim Vamos Mataram itu sendiri. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini para pemain tim Vamos Mataram memiliki shooting on/off 50%:50%, passing on/off 87,71%:12,29%, ball possesion dengan rata-rata per pertandingan 42%, intercept dengan rata-rata per pertandingan 49,59%, 1on1 offense win/lose 32,35%:67,65%, dan 1on1 defense win/lose 70%:30%.
Disarankan bagi penelitian selanjutnya, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan kajian untuk melakukan penelitian yang sama tentang statistik dalam olahraga futsal.
Name : Rizal Zuhri Pradana
Program Study : S-1
Departement : Sports Coaching Education
Faculty : Sports Science
Institution : Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Supervisor : Mohammad Faruk, S.Pd.,M.Kes.
Athlete achievement can be achieved by consider the factors that influence it, namely basic exercises. One of the factors that needs to be studied in futsal is the basic foundation of the futsal game itself. The basics of futsal include shooting, passing, ball possesion, intercept, 1on1 offense dan 1on1 defense. Assessment can be said to be successful if the player is successful inshooting, passing, ball possesion, intercept, 1on1 offense dan 1on1 defense which is one of the conditions for success in playing futsal.
Analysis of the size of shooting, passing, ball possesion, intercept, 1on1 offense dan 1on1 defense is very useful in the ability of individual futsal games because it will affect the level of performance. This study aims to determine the individual strategies and games of the Vamos Mataram team.
This research is a quantitative study, with a descriptive analysis approach, using observation methods to analyze data by presenting facts systematically. The sampling technique is all the players who play in the match.
The results of the study were obtained in terms of success and not in terms of shooting, passing, ball possesion, intercept, 1on1 offense dan 1on1 defense. This research has an important role in waging a competition like the Pro Futsal League because it will affect the performance of the Vamos Mataram team itself. Based on the results of this study the players of the Vamos Mataram team had ashooting on/off 50%:50%, passing on/off 87,71%:12,29%, ball possesion with an average per match 42%, intercept with an average per match 49,59%, 1on1 offense win/lose 32,35%:67,65%, and 1on1 defense win/lose 70%:30%.
It is recommended for further research, this research is expected to be used as a study to conduct the same research on statistics in futsal sports.
Keywords: Shooting, Passing, Ball Possession, Intercept, 1on1 Offense, 1on1 Deffense, and Vamos Mataram Team.