Penyelenggaraan CSR PT PELINDO III di Kampung Wisata Lawas Maspati ini menarik untuk diteliti karena pada kondisinya merupakan suatu pemberdayaan yang dilakukan secara bottom up oleh masyarakat dan mendapat dukungan dari corporate supaya mampu mengembangkan kampung Maspati menjadi kampung Wisata di tengah kota Surabaya dengan memberikan life skill yang diberikan kepada masyarakat Maspati. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan CSR PT PELINDO III di Kampung Maspati, serta dampak life skill terhadap kemampuan wirausaha warga masyarakat Kampung Wisata Maspati. Penelitian ini didalandasi oleh beberapa konsep dan teori. Yaitu konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat, CSR dan Life Skill. Subyek penelitian berjumlah lima orang yang terdiri dari Staf CSR PELINDO III, ketua RW, Ketua RT, dan warga setempat.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipan dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan reduksi data, display data, dan kesimpulan dalam menganalisis data penelitian. Teknik tersebut digunakan untuk mencari data dalam penelitian dampak CSR PT PELINDO III Surabaya dalam meningkatkan keterampilan (Skill) warga masyarakat Kampung Wisata Lawas Maspati.
Kata Kunci : Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, CSR, Life Skill
The implementation of PT PELINDO III CSR in Lawas Maspati Tourism Village is interesting to study because in its condition is an empowerment carried out bottom-up by the community and received support from the corporation in order to be able to develop the village of Maspati into a tourist village in the middle of Surabaya by giving life skills given to the Maspati community. The research objective was to determine the implementation of PT PELINDO III CSR in Kampung Maspati, as well as the impact of life skills on the entrepreneurial abilities of the residents of the Maspati Tourism Village. This research is based on several concepts and theories. That is the concept of community empowerment, CSR and Life Skill. The subjects included five people consisting of Staff CSR Pelindo III, RW, Chairman of RT, and local residents.
This study used a qualitative approach, data collection using the technique of in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation. Data were analyzed using data reduction, display data, and conclusions in analyzing research data. The technique used to locate data in the research impact of CSR PT Pelindo III Surabaya in improving skills Tourism Village residents Maspati Lawas.
The results of the study can be viewed through three aspects, namely education, economic, and social aspects. (1) Educational Aspects: this aspect shows that there is a change in citizen attitudes seen from the activities of citizens who are more productive than before, and aware of the importance of protecting the environment. (2) Economic Aspects: in the economic aspect, the change in economic independence of the citizens can be seen from the increase in income after becoming a tourist village. (3) Social Aspects: in this social aspect it looks more compact in reminding to protect the environment of each other, open and friendly learning when there are tourists who come, and able to build synergies with other stakeholders.
From the results of research on the impact of PT PELINDO III Surabayas CSR in improving the life skills of residents of the old tourist village of Maspati has a pretty good impact, it can be shown by positive changes through the above three aspects, namely changes in peoples behavior towards the environment, economic improvement, and being able to work together. cooperate and build a synergy.
Keyword : Community Empowerment, CSR, Life Skills