The Study Of The Conflict Points Of The Tram Line Plan With Public Transport From The Safety Aspect Of The City Of Surabaya
Transportasi darat yang bergerak diatas rel bersifat massal terbukti sangat efektif dan efisien dalam melaksanakan tugas menghadapi kebutuhan transportasi terutama pada saat jam puncak. Perkembangan ekonomi yang sangat tinggi di Surabaya menimbulkan dampak meningkatnya aktifitas transportasi manusia maupun barang di dalam kota Surabaya. Jumlah pengguna kendaraan cukup tinggi di kota Surabaya merupakan salah satu penyebab kemacetan utama lalu lintas. Beberapa alternatif angkutan massal yang bisa digunakan untuk mengurangi penggunaan angkutan pribadi di dalam usaha menekan tingkat kemacetan lalu lintas salah satunya angkutan massal cepat (AMC) Trem. Pemkot Surabaya berencana mengembangkan transportasi massal berbasis rel tersebut dengan rute yang di lalui angkutan massal cepat (AMC) trem dari arah selatan sampai dengan utara, sebelumnya juga sudah beroperasi angkutan umum di jalur tersebut tentunya ini akan menimBulkan himpitan yang berpotensi mengakibatkan konflik lalu lintas yaitu kecelakaan oleh sebab itu perlu adanya suatu kajian untuk mengetahui dan meminimalisir serta menentukan upaya apasaja yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi konflik tersbut
Kata Kunci: trem, angkutan massal, transportasi.
Land transportation that moves on the mass railroad has proven to be very effective and efficient in carrying out the task of dealing with transportation needs, especially during peak hours. The very high economic development in Surabaya caused an increase in the activity of transportation of people and goods within the city of Surabaya. The number of vehicle users is quite high in the city of Surabaya is one of the main causes of traffic congestion. Several mass transportation alternatives that can be used to reduce the use of private transportation in an effort to reduce the level of traffic congestion, one of which is mass rapid transit (AMC) Tram. Surabaya City Government plans to develop the rail-based mass transportation with the route that is passed by fast mass transport (AMC) tram from the south to the north. Previously, public transportation has also been operated on this route, of course this will cause a crush which has the potential to cause traffic conflicts, namely accidents therefore it is necessary to have a study to find out and minimize and determine whatever efforts are made to resolve the conflict
Keywoard: tram, mass transit, transportation