Often we find humor. humor is everything or mental stimulation so they laugh. Symptoms of these stimuli can be from yourself or others. As the era of humor develops it cannot only be read or seen directly. But using the means of electronic mass media television, radio and so on. Humorpun has now developed into the online mass media. One of the media is YouTube channel. In making humor content through YouTube media, of course there are those who are responsible for delivering humor. Ahmad Sukoco or better known as Pak Ndul is the person who conveys the humor in a YouTube channel called Waton Guyo (WAGU). In conveying his humor, Pak Ndul has a unique way, namely by using a mixture or transitional language, known as code switching and code mixing. Pak Ndul often tucks in unexpected humor and high language style that characterizes his humor. The code switching and the code mix that creates the humor makes it interesting to study and describe.
Research on code switching and mixing of codes in Wagu's humorous speech uses qualitative methods. Data collection in this research was carried out using the refer to method. While the technique used is the technique of listening, free, engaged, capable (SBLC). After the technique is clever, free, engaged, competent (SBLC) the next step is the note taking technique. The note taking technique is done by using certain stationery. This note taking technique is done by recording the conversation utterances that are on the videos and events starring Ndul nak. The method of analyzing the Nissan data in this study focuses on the type of method equivalent to the pragmatic sub-type. The techniques in this method are of two basic techniques and the Continuation technique. The basic technique or PUP (Determination of Determination Elements) of the tool used is mental power. The next stage is the application of the HBB Continuation technique (Connecting Differences), the technique is aimed at distinguishing the form of Diksı and the function of diction in Pak Ndul's speech.
The theory used in this research is code switching and code mixing Chaer and Agustina, (2010: 107) Thus code switching is a symptom of language use transition that occurs because of situations and occurs between languages and between languages in one language. Whereas mixed code is a mixture of two or more languages in which there is a basic code used and other codes are only in pieces. Humor theory used According to Manser (in Rahmanadji, 2007: 218) humor according to the intent in speech is divided into three 1) speakers do intend to be funny and listeners find it funny, 2) speakers do not mean to be funny but listeners find it funny, 3) speakers try to be funny but listeners don't.
From this research the form of code switching that causes humor includes. The English and Javanese ektern code switching and inserting the core language. Humor delivered in the form of word affirmations, repetition of words in different languages, words that have nothing to do with the topic as well as unclear meaning or errors in language vocabulary. In delivering the intention of the speaker there are two types, namely the speaker intends to be funny and the listener thinks funny and enutu does not mean to be funny but the listener considers it funny. Forms of code mixing that cause humor include mixed English and Javanese language codes and English language inserts. Humor delivered in the form of word affirmation, repetition of words in different languages, frequent occurrence of code mixing, words that have nothing to do with the topic and unclear meaning or errors in language vocabulary. In delivering the intention of the speaker there are two types, namely the speaker intends to be funny and the listener thinks funny and enutu does not mean to be funny but the listener considers it funny. Based on the linguistic elements, there are mixed word codes, clauses, words of repetition, and baster. As for the factors causing the occurrence of code switching and code mixing in the humoron humoron speech (WAGU), namely (1) affirmation of an opinion, (2) showing (3) intellectual, (4) respecting the interlocutor, and (5) arousing a sense of humor.
Keywords : code switching & code mixing, humor, YouTube channel wagu