Citra lembaga mempengaruhi keberhasilan kinerja lembaga. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan citra positif lembaga pendidikan ialah dengan optimalisasi media sosial. Penggunaan media sosial sendiri semakin krusial seiring dengan pembatasan tatap muka yang disebabkan wabah Covid-19. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan optimalisasi media sosial dalam meningkatkan citra lembaga pendidikan di masa pandemi covid-19. Artikel ilmiah ini menggunakan metode studi literatur sebagai sumber informasi berupa data-data sekunder melalui tahap identifikasi, evaluasi, sintesis dengan sumber rujukan 10 artikel jurnal nasional dan 10 artikel jurnal internasional dan didukung dengan sumber buku sebagai penguat argumen peneliti. Dari hasil telaah studi literatur ditemukan bahwa terdapat urgensi optimalisasi media sosial dikarenakan dibatasinya kegiatan tatap muka di masa pandemi covid-19. Selain itu ada 3 hal utama yang harus dipenuhi untuk optimalisasi media sosial yakni: akun media sosial, konten visual dan konten naratif. Optimalisasi media sosial sendiri berdampak positif pada citra lembaga dikarenakan adanya aksesibilitas informasi.
Kata kunci: Citra Lembaga, Media Sosial, Pandemi Covid-19
The image of the institution affects the success of the institution's performance. One of the efforts that can be done to improve the positive image of educational institutions is by optimizing social media. The use of social media itself is increasingly crucial in line with face-to-face restrictions caused by the Covid-19 outbreak. This article aims to describe the optimization of social media in improving the image of educational institutions during the Covid-19 pandemic. This scientific article uses the literature study method as a source of information in the form of secondary data through the stages of identification, evaluation, synthesis with reference sources of 10 national and 10 international journal articles and supported by book sources to strengthen the researcher's argument. From the results of a literature review, it was found that there is an urgency in optimizing social media due to the limited face-to-face activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, 3 main things must be met for the optimization of social media, namely: social media accounts, visual content, and narrative content. Optimization of social media itself has a positive impact on the institution's image due to the accessibility of information.
Keywords: Institutional Image, Social Media, Covid-19 Pandemic