This hypercontent-based module can be an independent learning medium for students. The contents of complex material are equipped with features of moving images, videos, and other interesting articles that have been provided where can online access used QR Code Reader application in android. The purpose of this study are (1) to produce Hypercontent-Based Module on the basic principles of making 2D animations 2D and 3D animation subjects that are appropriate for the Multimedia class grade 11th students in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Taman, and (2) to find out the benefits of using Hypercontent-Based Module on the principle material the basis of making 2D animations 2D and 3D animation subjects in the learning result for the Multimedia class grade 11th students in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Taman. This research method is development research by adapting the ADDIE model which consists of five steps, Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The design trial in this research is true experimental design. Data were collected using observation, interview, questionnaire, and test techniques. Analysis of interview and questionnaire data used Guttman scale measurements, and analysis of test data was calculated using the Mann-Whitney U Test technique. The results showed that the percentage of gotten by the learning design expert (RPP) is 100%, hypercontent module was getting 100%, the guide book was getting 100%. And then for the trial individual test was getting 88%, small group test was getting 93%, and the large group test, the media properness was getting 96%. The test results said that the hypercontent module is very proper. The hypercontent module is effective, we can see it in the count result where Ucount = 55, and then Utable with the significantly level (α) = 5% (0,05) is 99. So, it can see that Ucount < Utable, = 55 < 99. With that, Ho denied or Ha can be accepted. Also the average of experiment group different (Mx) is 36,11 and the average of control group different (My) is 28,05. The learning result of experiment group is higher than the result of control group. The data shows that there is increasing significantly in learning result of the experiment group students after used the Hypercontent-Based Module. Thus it can be concluded that the development of "Module-Based Hypercontent - Basic Principles of 2 Dimension Animation" can be used effectively in the independent learning activities for the Multimedia class grade 11th students in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Taman when implementing an internship.
Keywords : development, hypercontent, module, learning result