Semantis Paradigmatik dan Sintagmatik
dalam Istilah tentang
Pandai Besi sebagai Tatacara Kehidupan
Orang Jawa di Kecamatan Puri Kabupaten Mojokerto
: Arofa Defaki Serdayani
: 14020114022
: S-1/ Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Jawa
: Bahasa dan Seni
: Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Pembimbing : Drs.
Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si
tentang pandai besi yang termasuk dalam bidang tatacara kehidupan orang Jawa
memiliki relasi semantis leksikal. Istilah tersebut dibagi menjadi dua
berdasarkan penanganan materialnya, yaitu tentang pembuatan dan perbaikan.
Kedua bagian tersebut memiliki istilah tentang tatacara-tatacara yang harus
dilakukan. Istilah tersebut dicari relasi semantis paradigmatik dan
sintagmatiknya untuk mengetahui istilah asli dan tidak asli. Topik ini sudah
pernah diteliti, tetapi tentang istilah pandai besi belum pernah ada. Rumusan
masalah penelitian ini yaitu, (1) jenis relasi semantis paradigmatik dalam
istilah tentang pandai besi di Kecamatan Puri Kabupaten Mojokerto, dan (2)
jenisnya relasi semantis sintagmatik dalam istilah tentang pandai besi di
Kecamatan Puri Kabupaten Mojokerto.
ini termasuk jenis penelitian linguistik deskriptif kuantitatif yang bersifat
sinkronis yang datanya berupa istilah tentang pandai besi di Kecamatan Puri
Kabupaten Mojokerto. Data tersebut dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara dan
simak. Data tersebut dikaji menggunakan teori fitur distingtif makna dengan
menggunakan analisis komponen makna untuk mengetahui jenis relasi semantis
paradigmatiknya, sedangkan menentukan jenis relasi sintagmatiknya menggunakan
analisis struktur batin. Hasil analisis data tersebut disajikan dengan cara
formal dan informal.
penelitian ini yaitu, ada 12 jenis relasi semantis paradigmatik dalam istilah
tentang pandai besi, yaitu hiponim penanganan material, hiponim tataurut,
hiponim tatacara, kohiponim penanganan material, kohiponim tataurut, kohiponim
tatacara, hipernim penanganan material, hipernim tataurut, hipernim tatacara,
kohipernim penanganan material, kohipernim tataurut, kohipernim tatacara.
Selanjutnya, jenis relasi semantis sintagmatik dalam istilah tentang pandai
besi ada 5, yaitu enkapsulatif tinggi, enkapsulatif sedang, enkapsulatif
rendah, distributif tinggi, dan distributif sedang. Berdasarkan penjelasan
tersebut, bisa disimpulkan bahwa penelitian mengenai relasi semantis
paradigmatik dan sintagmatik dalam istilah tentang pandai besi ini menguatkan
konsep mengenai jenis relasi semantis paradigmatik dan sintagmatik dalam bidang
ilmu semantik leksikal.
Kata kunci :
istilah, relasi semantis paradigmatik, dan relasi semantis sintagmatik
The Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Semantic Relationships
in Term of Blacksmith as Procedure of Javanese Life
in Puri District Mojokerto Regency
term of blacksmith in procedure of Javanese life has lexical semantic
relationship. Based on material handling, the term is divided into two parts.
They are production and improvement. Both parts have specific terms about
procedures which must be executed. The term is searched for the paradigmatic
and syntagmatic semantic relations to know the original and non-original terms.
This topic has been researched but the term of blacksmith has never existed.
The formulation of this research problems are: (1) the type of paradigmatic
semantic relations in term of blacksmith in Puri District Mojokerto Regency,
(2) the type of syntagmatic semantic relations in term of blacksmith in Puri
District, Mojokerto Regency.
This study applies quantitative
descriptive linguistic research which is synchronous that the data is in the
form of a term about blacksmith in Puri District Mojokerto Regency. The data is
collected by interviewing and scrutinizing methods. The data is examined by
using the theory of distinctive features of meaning which applies meaning
component analysis to determine the type of paradigmatic semantic relations,
while determining the type of syntagmatic relations is by using analysis of
inner structure. The results of the data analysis are presented in formal and
informal methods.
The results of this study are
that there are 12 types of paradigmatic semantic relations in terms of
blacksmith, namely hyponym handling material, hyponym order, hyponym procedure,
cohiponym material handling, cohiponym order, cohiponym procedure, hypernimetic
material handling, hypernimetic order, hypernimetic procedure, cohipernim
handling, cohipernim handling material, cohipernim order, cohipernim procedure.
Furthermore, there are 5 types of syntagmatic semantic relations in terms of
blacksmith, namely high encapsulative, moderate encapsulative, low
encapsulative, high distributive, and moderate distributive. Based on this
explanation, it can be concluded that the study of paradigmatic and syntagmatic
semantic relations in blacksmith term reinforces the concept of the type of
paradigmatic and syntagmatic semantic relations in the field of lexical
Keywords: terms, paradigmatic semantic
relations, and syntagmatic semantic relations.