Numerasi Mahasiswa Calon Guru Sekolah Dasar Ditinjau Dari Self Efficacy
Numeracy of Prospective Teacher Elementary School Viewed from their Self Efficacy
Numerasi merupakan kemampuan untuk mengelola data dan bilangan untuk memecahkan masalah dalam berbagai konteks. Kemampuan tersebut dilatihkan sejak sekolah dasar dan disiapkan mahasiswa calon guru untuk mengajarkan kompetensi tersebut tersebut sejak dini. Namun, kenyataan di lapangan menunjukkan kemampuan numerasi siswa maupun mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar belum memuaskan. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi proses numerasi adalah self efficacy. Fokus penelitian ini pada mahasiswa calon guru, karena peran mereka disiapkan untuk mengatasi masalah di lapangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh self efficacy terhadap numerasi mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar; (2) mendeskripsikan numerasi mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar yang mempunyai self efficacy tinggi; (3) mendeskripsikan numerasi mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar yang mempunyai self efficacy rendah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian mix method dengan desain sequential explanatory. Pada penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan penelitian korelasional. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa calon guru di Perguruan Tinggi di Kota Surabaya dengan akreditasi minimal B untuk Prodi S1 Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar sebanyak 610 responden. Melalui proportional cluster random sampling, terpilih sampel 293 responden. Pada penelitian kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek penelitian kualitatif dipilih melalui purposive sampling. Sebanyak 244 partisipan yang terlibat, kemudian terpilih 3 mahasiswa mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar dengan self efficacy tinggi dan 3 mahasiswa mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar dengan self efficacy rendah. Instrumen berupa tes numerasi dan angket self efficacy yang valid dan reliabel, serta pedoman wawancara. Data dikumpulkan melalui angket, tes, dan wawancara berbasis tugas. Analisis data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan analisis regresi linear sederhana, sedangkan analisis data kualitatif terdiri dari kondensasi data, penyajian data, pemeriksaan keabsahan data, dan verifikasi. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan triangulasi waktu, ketekunan peneliti, dan memperpanjang kehadiran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat pengaruh self efficacy terhadap numerasi, adapun pengaruhnya sebesar 20,1%; (2) Subjek self efficacy tinggi mengidentifikasi informasi sesuai konteks dan konten serta merepresentasikannya secara matematis. Subjek self efficacy tinggi menggunakan bahasa dan operasi simbolik, formal, dan teknis, menyusun dan menerapkan strategi untuk menemukan solusi masalah numerasi, menggunakan informasi, dan melakukan perhitungan, menginterpretasikan hasil ke konteks dan mengevaluasi kewajaran solusi, serta mampu mengkomunikasikan ide dan solusi; (3) Subjek self efficacy rendah mengidentifikasi dan menggunakan, namun kesulitan dalam menginterpretasikan dan mengomunikasikan ide dan solusi. Selain itu, subjek self efficacy rendah tidak melakukan evaluasi terhadap kewajaran solusi. Temuan menarik dalam penelitian ini, ternyata proses numerasi subjek self efficacy tinggi belum tentu berhasil karena terjadi kesalahan perhitungan atau kreativitas ide penyelesaian masalah. Meskipun proses numerasi subjek self efficacy cenderung negatif, namun belum tentu rendah, ada juga yang berhasil karena faktor pengalaman. Temuan penelitian ini memiliki beberapa implikasi, salah satunya adalah dosen perlu mengetahui proses numerasi mahasiswa calon guru untuk mengidentifikasi kesulitannya dan menggunakannya sebagai bahan evaluasi untuk merancang pembelajaran yang berorientasi numerasi dan mempertimbangkan self efficacy.
Numeracy refers to the ability to manipulate data and numbers to solve problems across various contexts. This skill is cultivated from elementary school onward and is a crucial component in preparing prospective teachers to instill this competency from an early stage. However, the prevailing reality suggests that both elementary school students and prospective teachers have not yet achieved the desired level of numeracy. One of the factors affecting numeracy development is self-efficacy. This study focused on prospective teachers elementary school, as they were equipped to tackle challenges in educational settings. The study aimed to (1) describe the impact of self-efficacy on the numeracy skills of prospective teachers elementary school, (2) depict the numeracy skills of prospective elementary education teachers with a high level of self-efficacy, and (3) portray the numeracy skills of prospective teacher elementary school with a low level of self-efficacy. This study employed a mixed-method sequential explanatory design. The population examined in this study was the entire prospective elementary school teachers in Surabaya. By using proportional cluster random sampling, the researcher selected 293 respondents as samples. For the qualitative aspect, participants were chosen through purposive sampling, resulting in 6 selected prospective elementary school teachers. In this study, the researcher employed validated and reliable instruments, including a numeracy test, a self-efficacy questionnaire, and interview guidelines. Data were collected through task-based questionnaires, tests, and interviews, with data validity assured through the triangulation of time, researcher commitment, and prolonged engagement. Concerning quantitative data analysis, the researcher employed simple linear regression. Meanwhile, for qualitative data analysis, the researcher went through several processes, namely data condensation, presentation, validity checks, and verification. The research results indicated the followings. (1) There is significant influence of prospective teachers self efficacy toward their numeracy, with an influence value of 20.1%. (2) The subjects with high self efficacy can identify contextually relevant information and content and represent it mathematically. Those with high self-efficacy utilized language and symbolic, formal, and technical operations. They formulating and apply strategies to solve numeracy problems, utilize information, and perform calculations. They interpreting results within context, evaluate the reasonableness of solutions, and effectively communicating their ideas and solutions. (3) The subjects with low self efficacy can identify and use information but struggle with interpreting and communicating ideas and solutions. Additionally, they do not evaluate the reasonableness of their solutions. An intriguing finding in this study id that the numeracy process of high self efficacy subjects do not always guarantee success, as errors in calculations or creative problem-solving ideas can occur. While the numeracy process for self efficacy subjects tend to be negative, it does not necessarily mean it is low; there are instances of success influence by experiential factors. These findings carry several implications, one of which is that educators need to understand the numeracy process of prospective teachers to identify difficulties and utilize them as evaluation material to design numeracy focusing teaching methods, considering self efficacy.