Pembelajaran pada abad 21 menuntut siswa agar memiliki kemampuan untuk menghadapi perkembangan zaman. Salah satu kemampuan penting yang harus dimiliki yakni literasi sains. Literasi sains adalah kemampuan menggunakan pengetahuan sains untuk mengidentifikasi pertanyaan, memperoleh pengetahuan baru, menjelaskan fenomena ilmiah dan menyimpulkan berdasarkan bukti ilmiah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan validitas instrumen penilaian secara teoritis dan empiris serta kepraktisan instrumen penilaian berdasarkan angket repon, angket kepraktisan dan analisis keterbacaan instrumen melalui grafik Fry dan juga menganalis profil kemampuan literasi sains siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode tes, metode angket, dan metode wawancara. Penelitian ini diujicobakan secara terbatas kepada 30 mahasiswa tingkat pertama Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Negeri Surabaya dan diimplementasikan kepada 60 siswa kelas XII di SMA Negeri 12 Surabaya. Hasil validitas teoritis menunjukkan bahwa instrumen yang disusun memenuhi kriteria valid dengan Percentage of Agreement (PoA) sebesar 93% pada ranah materi, 89% pada ranah konstruksi, dan 93% pada ranah bahasa. Hasil validitas empiris yakni sebanyak 14 butir soal dinyatakan valid dengan koefisian reliabilitas sebesar 0,806 yang berkategori reliabel dengan kriteria sangat tinggi. Hasil angket respon siswa memperoleh persentase sebesar 86% dan angket kepraktisan sebesar 83% yang keduanya berkategori sangat baik. Hasil analisis grafik Fry menunjukkan titik pertemuan pada level 10, 11, dan 12 yang berarti hal tersebut sesuai dengan tujuan penyusunan instrumen yang ditujukan pada siswa SMA. Profil literasi sains siswa memperoleh hasil sebesar 37% dalam kategori rendah, 33% dalam kategori cukup, 18% dalam kategori tinggi, dan 12% dalam kategori rendah. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrumen penilaian pada materi keterbatasan sumber energi dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kompetensi literasi sains.
Learning in the 21st century requires students to have the ability to face current developments. One of the important skills that must be possessed is scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is the ability to use scientific knowledge to identify questions, acquire new knowledge, explain scientific phenomena and draw conclusions based on scientific evidence. The aim of this research is to describe the validity of assessment instruments theoretically and empirically as well as the practicality of assessment instruments based on response questionnaires, practicality questionnaires and analysis of instrument readability via Fry charts and also to analyze the profile of students' scientific literacy abilities. This research uses the ADDIE research model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Data was collected using test methods, questionnaire methods, and interview methods. This research was tested on a limited basis on 30 first year students of the Physics Education Undergraduate Study Program at Surabaya State University and implemented on 60 class XII students at SMA Negeri 12 Surabaya. The theoretical validity results show that the instrument prepared meets the valid criteria with a Percentage of Agreement (PoA) of 93% in the material domain, 89% in the construction domain, and 93% in the language domain. The empirical validity results were that 14 questions were declared valid with a reliability coefficient of 0.806 which was categorized as reliable with very high criteria. The results of the student response questionnaire obtained a percentage of 86% and the practicality questionnaire of 83%, both of which were in the very good category. The results of Fry's graphic analysis show meeting points at levels 10, 11, and 12, which means this is in accordance with the aim of preparing the instrument aimed at high school students. The students' scientific literacy profile obtained results of 37% in the low category, 33% in the sufficient category, 18% in the high category, and 12% in the low category. It can be concluded that the assessment instrument on limited energy sources can be used to measure scientific literacy competency.