Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui : 1) menentukan proporsi terbaik dari daging ayam dan tahu goreng pada isi adonan siomay ayam; 2) kadnungan gizi siomay ayam dari proporsi daging ayam dan tahu goreng terbaik terbaik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan tiga perlakuan berbeda (75%: 25%, 50%: 50%, 25% : 75%) yang diujikan kepada 30 panelis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode eksperimen. Tekik analisis data menggunakan analisis Anava Tunggal program SPSS dan kandungan gizi di analisis di laboratorium. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan: 1) Perlakuan proporsi terbaik dari hasil uji sifat organoleptik yaitu proporsi 50%:50% daging ayam dan tahu goreng dengan hasil rata-rata pada siomay ayam bentuk bentuk 3.73 bulat seragam kulit cukup berwiru, warna 3.76 krem ivory, , aroma 3.67 cukup beraroma khas siomay ayam kurang beraroma tahu, tekstur 3.83 kurang kenyal, rasa 3.06, dan kesukaan 3.83 cukup gurih ayam kurang berasa tahu; 2) hasil uji laboraturium siomay ayam dengan proporsi daging ayam dan tahu goreng adalah kadar abu 1,15%, kadar air 14,86%, kadar protein 11,92%, kadar lemak 3,02%/100g.
Kata kunci : Siomay Ayam, Daging Ayam, Tahu Goreng
The purpose of this research is to find out: 1) determine the best proportion of chicken meat and fried tofu in the chicken dumpling dough filling; 2) the nutritional content of chicken dumplings from the best proportion of chicken meat and fried tofu. This type of research is an experiment with three different treatments (75%: 25%, 50%: 50%, 25% : 75%) which were tested on 30 panelists. This research uses an experimental method approach. The data analysis technique used Single Anava analysis using the SPSS program and the nutritional content was analyzed in the laboratory. The results of the data analysis show: 1) The best proportion treatment from the results of the organoleptic test results is the proportion of 50%:50% chicken meat and fried tofu with average results in chicken dumplings with a shape of 3.73 round, uniform skin, quite pleated, color 3.76 ivory cream, , aroma 3.67 quite typical of chicken dumplings, less flavorful of tofu, texture 3.83 less chewy, taste 3.06, and liking 3.83 quite tasty, chicken less flavorful of tofu; 2) laboratory test results for chicken dumplings with the proportion of chicken meat and fried tofu were ash content 1.15%, water content 14.86%, protein content 11.92%, fat content 3.02%/100g.
Keyword : Siomay, Chicken Meat, Fried Toughter